if i may ask....

by gotcha 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenaj92

    I agree with FormerOne. That sounds like a very depressed comment asking what is the meaning....you need to find yours and so does everyone else. Ask your self what is important to you. That is your meaning. What do you look forward to? Hope that helped.
    love to all

  • gotcha

    thank you very much kent, xena, lauralisa, rhett, mommy, seeker4, dim, yerusalym, mommie dark, idaho, joelbear, one, mindchild, seeker, ohhappyday, nathan natas, former one, serene92

    thank you for reminding me that there's so much meaning in my seemingly meaningless existence.....

    i think i just need a break from thinking too much....

    thanks so much.

  • Yerusalyim


    You said,

    I suggest that everything that is really valuable is always intrinsically meaningful.

    Somethings intrinsic value is realative to who you are and what your world view is, reverse your statement thus, "What is intrinsically meaningful to you is valuable."

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Yerusalyim


    When you're stuck in an existential quandry full of loathing and self doubt, take comfort that there's still a place called Albuquerque, NM.
    If ya need to talk, email me!

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Satanus

    I like all the comments here.


    Sometimes when i am meditating, snowflakes seem to be laughing, like a bunch of kids in a 'nigger pile'. Is there consciousness in the creation? Sometimes i wonder.


  • one

    when confused etc
    watch your diet and walk 1 hour a day at least

  • metatron

    The purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness.

    If anyone disagrees with this self-evident truth (apparently
    too simple for some deluded religionists), I ask what is more
    important than being happy? Would you rather live, perhaps
    forever, while being miserable?


  • Mindchild


    That was a meaningful correction:-)


  • ballistic

    I spent most of the time wondering what the meaning of life was when I was IN the "truth", not out.

    I believe there is some kind of God, but not the God that the Jehovah's Witnesses believe in. Not in a God that would play trivial games and experiments with humans, not the God that would set arbitary dates for the end of the World when he exists outside of space time, not the God who would punish billions of people for thousands of years because some man I don't know stole an apple, not in some God that wrote a flawed book containing a hidden code which only a few people can interpret, nor the God that's so small minded and petty as to lay down mundane and irrelevant laws.
    I actually believe the way some religions including the Witnesses portray God is perverse, disrespectful, sick and blasphemous. God is much bigger and more grown up than they think.


  • one

    "meaning" ??

    besides a language or semantic inconvinience. But most people dont like to be told.

    WHY should we be told about this one...

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