I find it absolutely hillarious how "bad people" (i.e. gang members, prisoners, thieves, etc.) are depicted on the cover of a Watchtower. You can really tell it's obvious that they took a JW, mussed up their hair and clothes a little bit, added some fake tattoos, and viola! Genuine hoodlum. I remember specifically the "street gangs" Awake where it had a group of so-called gang members in khaki pants, button-up dress shirts (they were...OPENED UP!!!), and slightly mussed-up side-parted hair. What a joke.
The Watchtower's depiction of "bad people"
by B_Deserter 14 Replies latest jw experiences
funny observation, B_Deserter
they were afraid to make those bethelites look really bad-ass just incase they liked it too much
Tyrone van leyen
Anything the witnesses produce as a picture of reality comes across as a really bad commerercial. A low budget production. It makes sense as their own version of reality is warped anyways. Do you remember the late 70's mag. Disco Is it for you? We looked at that as kids, and thought it was ridiculous!
One thing I don't understand is that this is a publishing empire based in New york that has been around for the last 130 years. Hell, any magazine that has been around that long should have a grip by now. At the very least they should be prininting mags that has the quality paper and photography of Time magazine. It should also have the the same scholastic credentials as some of the other high end mags. Heck they even have free canvasers.
Why is this not so? I think there could be a few reasons.
1. They are publishing to a pretty much captive audience of publishers that have to move whatever they print with no disagreeements.
( I can't help but think that these amateur depictions of crime etc. in the watchtower, are a reflection of how the org. veiws the simplemindedness of the people that have to place this tripe in public places.
2. The paper is cheaper and the so is the printing systems. ( money)
3. They know that a large number of these mags will be ripped up and burned in the course of their distribtuion.( Waste not. Why spend on an expensive mag when it gets trashed anyways.)
It's a middle of the line approach to making money and wasting as little resources as possible.
Since the time of Rutherfords death, the org. has become more low key with the abandonment of radio broadcasts. Change comes very slowly in this org. and it has never had competition in the business place. I think this companies sense of reality is efficient in a business sense. It's a magazine for mass consumption. Disposable too. The Mc Donalds of toilet paper.
It seems the only time Mc Donalds responds to their middle of the road business of mass consumption is when they lose money. They have been challenged in the market place however. Now they produce, food with less trans fats , more salads and are even eyeing the coffe business.
This is why change in the Watchtower happens so slowly. They are a sleeping giant. They will change policy when it effects their survival. They have have so much power over their subjects that what their subjects want or reject, is not even considered. This is a totallly different animal.
I can only see major change in their sense of relaity, when it hits them financially. The only way this will happen is if their is a mass exodus, or two many lawsuits. Then policy will change.
Sorry for rambling on. It an interesting topic. I got a little carried away
Vernon Williams
A good 'ramble......," thank you,
I had to play a part as a worldly youth at an assembly, so put on some normal jeans, a nice shirt and spiked up my hair - very lame. At the end the CO told me how well I played a worldly person and that he never wanted to see me in those clothes again.
If a woman is wearing pants in any of the illustrations,
you know she is a pawn of satan.
Why go through the trouble of making a real gang member? Anyone without a buttoned-up polo shirt, or worse, is automatically assumed to be the bad person in any picture.
Saves them the trouble of putting any effort into their rags....
WOW, just wow!
When I was a little kid and through middle school/HS I always said these "so-called bad people" they use as a illustration in the mags looked so fake. I'm not alone here ... there are more like me!
How bout the Witchtower/Lafake articles where drugs/drug abuse is the subject? They always have a photo of this huge pile of pills, syringes (never a real syringe, always a dropper with a needle shoved in it) and these HUGE freakin joints.
I have abused drugs in the past and have been to many "parties" where drugs were being abused...but NEVER have I seen the cornicopia of drugs that are pictured in their mags!