The Watchtower's depiction of "bad people"
by B_Deserter 14 Replies latest jw experiences
I have never seen such pxxx poor photography so consistently as in the Puketower and Asleep! magazines. What they are doing is saying that if a witless were to dress in normal clothes and have slightly messed up hair, they are horrible rotten people (and the photography is still wretched even there).
Nothing in these rags is of quality. Everything is so poorly written and integrated that a fiction work would be of higher value. The photography is worse than a child's storybook. Their depictions of paradise are all out of sync with the reality they portray (I used to live in a town where the average lot was about the acre or so that they said that each person in the new order would have, and I could easily see the other houses from our house). Sisters, even little girls, always had dresses and their dress accessories on no matter what, but the men and boys had casual clothes. I definitely think they could use a course on reality.
And, no I don't think of the slightly disheveled person as being wicked. In fact, if I were to see two nicely dressed people on the street, I would think they could be witlesses and I am in for a hounding about getting to the boasting session, or worse, one of them could have a cell phone and use it to summon their buddies and forcibly recapture me so I can go to that fxxxing Ministerial Training School and then help hold together the Watchtower Society. Then I see one of them light a cigarette, swear, or they have some article of clothing that is highly frowned on by the Watchtower Society and it's a relief. I think the best depiction of bad people would be the likes of Al Schroeder and Ted Jaracz.
and for us girlies; all depicted as modern day jezebels with too much lipstick and lusty eyes!
Tyrone van leyen
Thats a funny watchtower. It looks like his twin is giving him a bear hug or straightening the mans tie out at an assembly, while the parking attendant on steroids, is checking for a name tag. I've seen more realistics fight scenes on the first Batman and Robin sequels with Adam West.
I know what it's depicting. These two Hoodlums are so overcome with love for Jehovahs organization they are robbing this man of all his watchtowers.
They have been a joke forever it seems............oompa
Eclipse : they were afraid to make those bethelites look really bad-ass just incase they liked it too much
Almost Eclipse...they were afraid some other bethel boys might like them too much!