Being pregnant worked really well for me! lol I milked that puppy for all it was worth! Got to sit in the back room and nap with my feet up! lol good thing I left the Jw's or I probably would have 10 or 12 kids by now
Best Excuses for Getting out of Meetings
by Xena 30 Replies latest jw friends
still an active JW for now, but I have to admit that TV on Thursday nights is so good, I'm only going to like 1 thursday a month lately.
My parents NEVER let me get up even to go to the bathroom, so I had to be a little creative. Being from Arkansas (tick country) every so often you would get a tick in the crotch area. I discovered my parents didn't want me scratching my crotch during the meeting (go figure) so I discovered the best way to get up out of my seat was to whisper in my mom's ear "I got an itch". Never failed to work!
Later in life I resorted to pinching my baby...hey do you what you gotta do! I think she thanked me for it later since it got her out of the meetings too!
Tim B
edward gentry
used to have a woman at our meetings who used to be carried in on a stretcher set up the back like a relic and she had her three kids
ministering to her with fans and foot massage. She was so holy she was constantly "afflicted" by Satanic illness.
One of her kids committed suicide..actually.
poor bastard. -
Sorry to hear about the kid. That's sad.Xena,
Any idea how this topic got HERE in Bible Research forum? ROFLoutnfree
Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire
Dan B
When I was still attending, my friend and I would leave during the Wt study, go have breakfast somewhere, and slip back in just as it was wrapping up. I remember the occasional Thursday nights slipping out for a beer, and making it back just in time for it to end. At that point, it was agony for both of us to attend those awfully boring meetings.
I always had to be the example!
This was pointed out to me at home with my parents and then when married to a husband with privledges.
I never had an excuse until I had children.They get sick and momma had to stay home and take care of them while daddy had to go take care pf his responsibilities at the KH.
It's pretty sad for a mother to secretly hope her child gets a little cold or something so she can get a break from all those meetings!
It's embarrasing now to realize how weird my thinking was.Ranchette
lol outnfree I am still getting used to the new forum...must have been in a bible research topic when I decided to post this...sorry!
I know Ranchette, kids made the best excuse but like you said how sad to want your kids to feel bad just so you could stay home. lol Tim and I used to argue about who got to stay home with her!
Dan I wish I would have had the guts to slip out for a beer! Would have made the meeting MUCH more enjoyable!
nothing got me out of meetings until i was a teenager. then I used homework and stomach problems.
Howdy tyy,
Being from Arkansas (tick country) every so often you would get a tick in the crotch area. I discovered my parents didn't want me scratching my crotch during the meeting (go figure) so I discovered the best way to get up out of my seat was to whisper in my mom's ear "I got an itch"
Yeah, being a mother of two boys, your excuse would work every time. Few things worse than a boy itchin' himself, except a girl doing same.
I didn't set through whole meetings for years, thanks to my 3 kids. Lord, it was hard for a couple of years when they learned to sit still. I was captive!