I was watching Oprah today and a thought crossed my mind... based on the recent Sexual Assault case in SA at her school, and her reaction to that situation, this is obviously an issue close to her heart, so wouldn't her show be a perfect forum for an expose on the JW/Pedophilia issue?
Oprah & Sexual Abuse & JW's - an interesting episode?
by Princess Daisy Boo 15 Replies latest jw friends
Did I miss something?
Princess Daisy Boo
Sorry - having computer issues tonight
Ok, I got it now -
I wonder how one would go about getting her attention on it? Any exposure is great as far as I'm concerned.
PRINCESS DAISY BOO- Hello, Mr. Flipper here. Someone on good authority about 5 months ago told me that Oprah has some Jehovah's Witnesses working in the production crew or some kind of control department in her show . So, I think this has been attempted , from what I was told, but because of the "witness employees" she might get a sudden burst of sensitivity about her employees and not go to the" child abuse in the JW religion card " for a possible show . Did anybody else here this on the board ? I am curious ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I am sure Oprah has had people of many religions, including Catholic (hey, it's Chicago!) on her staff. I doubt she would let that influence her choice of subject matter. It might be that it isn't a big enough issue on the whole-not that many JWs to start with, not that much evidence publicly (the real kind that will keep her from being vilified or sued)and not enough JWs that would expose it that are still in. That anyone speaking of this is OUT lessens the cred. The RC church doesn't expel folks for taking a stand on something like that, they don't excomm. because they are caught out, so when a nice Catholic says the truth of what happened, they can't say "No active and faithful Catholic has EVER made these claims" because faithfulness as a Catholic is about the practice of their religion, not legal actions or the prosecution of criminals.
Flipper is right. I heard the same thing, whether it's true really don't know.
I think a show on being DF and family and friends not talking to you for the rest of your life would be more shocking than
child abuse. Child abuse is prevalent in all religions but DF and the stupidity of it, is only practiced by JW's.
PRINCESS DAISY BOO- Hello, Mr. Flipper here. Someone on good authority about 5 months ago told me that Oprah has some Jehovah's Witnesses working in the production crew or some kind of control department in her show . So, I think this has been attempted , from what I was told, but because of the "witness employees" she might get a sudden burst of sensitivity about her employees and not go to the" child abuse in the JW religion card " for a possible show . Did anybody else here this on the board ? I am curious ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Yes, I heard this too. A number of years ago when I had been involved in a letter writing campaign through the Silentlambs, there had been some contact made by leaving letters to her staff on the appropriate part on her show's website, and there was NO response on their part for "program suggestions" and why we felt it should be addressed. We did hear later (not from her) that there were some conflicts between JW staff members (and program producers) concerning this topic. Maybe if enough people keep pushing this....it may just get the attention it deserves.
Double Edge
What would be a better "play" to get the show under consideration would be to generalize it - religions that have abuse issues. If the JWs were one of a few it would not be singleing them out and no one can point fingers about bashing one religion. Also, the rank and file JWs might be more open to watching, yet they would have a lot to ponder when they would show the JW segment
just a thought
With the money Oprah has, she would fire any insubordinates in a Chicago second!