Here's where I'm at presently, this has happened within the last two weeks and seems to get stronger.
- I see my life more objectively, and it doesn't bother me much.
- I don't care to read about religion, what's wrong with it, etc (I know it is and I don't feel that I need to keep preoccupying my mind with it)
- I don't feel any anger or hostility towards JWs or the WTS in particular.
- I don't feel like my life was stolen from me, cause, you know, I was there, I lived it. (As I've mentioned before, lived it pretty damn well I have to admit compared with billions of other humans)
- I see the good that has come from my JW upbringing
- I'm allowing my mother back into my life and not shutting her out. Nor to I feel any bitterness or anger towards her anymore for what she did. I love her very much and she did what she had to do and what she thought was right.
- I can't regret the experiences that have made me who I am, none of us can, that is pointless.
- I have no intention of any more pranks, jokes, spying, or otherwise counter-watchtower society activities.
- If a JW wants to talk to/associate/hang out with me, that's great, give everyone a chance, but religion will be off limits. If they want to bring it up (as they invariably will, and again, it's their mindset, not the person in particular) then that will be it for our relationship. I will extend the same courtesy and not bring up pedophile/etc topics.
- I no longer tell people I was a JW. It doesn't mean anything anymore that they would need to know it. That mindset no longer dominates my thinking or actions I carry out, so people don't need to be "forewarned".
- I am more assertive/self preservating all around, so I can take responsibility for my own social ****-ups and not blame them on my JW upbringing, afterall, if you don't make a fool out of yourself, you will never have any fun.
- I've had existential crises, and I know I'll have them again, but I've moved past the point where I absolutely feel with my being that I must replace what I've lost with a new ontology.
- Time to move on!
I'm thrilled to be at this point. I knew it would come eventually, but I thought it would take another year or more. People that rant and rave about the witnesses just annoy me now. It doesn't help anything. I know it is a very very crucial stage for one to go through though, so I am respectful and polite while listening to these rants, but I will avoid association with someone whose sole conversation is reminiscing about JW days for humour or bitching.
The next stage will probably be that of wanting to help newly ousted ones.
Feel free to critique my writing here or share your own thoughts on your "Personal Development." Althought keep in mind that is not the purpose of the thread, as there is another one with that purpose that I myself have already commented on and which quasi-inspired this thread.