origins matter...foundations don't...jesus said they did.............

by oompa 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    We all know dubs can't do any holidays because they are pagan or such. Even though nobody doing the holiday knows crap about the origin and is not doing it for that historical reason.

    So why do dubs say our old teachings of the 1880-1950's don't matter? Because the light has gotton brighter and those old brothers went through a cleansing of thier teachings. Do these early teachings...the foundation....the origin of our beliefs now matter at all? But what did Jesus say?

    Mathew 6-- 47 Everyone that comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show YOU whom he is like: 48 He is like a man building a house, who dug and went down deep and laid a foundation upon the rock-mass. Consequently, when a flood arose, the river dashed against that house, but was not strong enough to shake it, because of its being well built. 49 On the other hand, he who hears and does not do, is like a man who built a house upon the ground without a foundation. Against it the river dashed, and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house became great."

    So how can we ignore the foundation laid by the modern day witnesses at the turn of the 20th century? ...........oompa

  • blueviceroy

    Making sense of the nonsensical.

    Trying to find logic within a moving target like the mind set of the propaganda Tower is a tall order.

    Finding holes within the the logic of the brainwashed is like finding dirt on the ground, that is all it is made of.

  • dinah


    Check out their foundation--it's not Christ. They have taken Christ's place. Look and see for yourself if you don't think they have put themselves in the seat of Moses (Christ mediating only for the 144,000 is NOT biblical).

    Last time I check an origin is a foundation. My Dad built houses it's all the same--the origin of the house is when he levels it, marks it off (with a chalk line) then proceeds to build. None of the churches or houses my Dad built have caved in---cos he is good at what he does!!!!

    Oompa, I've been where you are--keep your faith in Christ in tact (or better yet find that in the first place) everything else will fall into place. And don't go off the deep end and be a religious nut. (kidding, I love you bro)

    You'll get there

  • WTWizard

    That also applies to one's faith. They make such a big deal about persecution. However, if one's faith was really built on the rock-masses, then why are they so afraid that people are going to land on an apostate Web site? Why are they so worried about people getting a decent education that, in the long run, could allow them to do more time in the ministry? Why are they telling people not to independently study the Bible or use independent sources to check the accuracy of the New World Translation or the Watchtower doctrines?

    It seems that it doesn't take a Katrina-sized storm to destroy the Watchtower faith. While many have gone through persecution and not caved in, that is because the persecution did not expose the illusion. But, some have had the illusion blown for them and caved in to that after surviving severe persecution. All it takes is a gentle shower with a light breeze to ruin one's faith in the Watchtower Society if one reads objective material. Their faith is built, not on sands, but on air. And it is crumbling.

    Anyone wish to join the Ministerial Training School to be ordered to hold this mess together throughout the whole country? I hope not.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Oompa,

    As I was reading your thread, it hit me! What a great question to ask a JW!! When you try reasoning with them regarding the things that were being taught when Christ supposedly did his inspection, they always say, "Well we don't teach that now! What does it matter??"

    Yet like you said, no one celebrates the holidays because of their one even knows the orgins but the ones the JWs have told!! So why don't they use the same reasoning, "We don't celebrate it for that reason now, what does it matter??"

    I bet you would have a JW thinking on this one!! Thanks for bringing it up!!


    Lady Liberty

  • oompa
    Dinah: Check out their foundation--it's not Christ. They have taken Christ's place.

    I have said in other threads that regarding their fraudulant NWT: "They have dragged the God of the Jews, Jehovah, kicking and screaming into the New Testament." HE AIN'T THERE! not once in ANY ancient manuscript in the world!!!! Dubs don' even know this....none of my elders did, but somehow that's ok with them....Has anyone ever asked a dub how many other translations use the name Jehovah or Yaweh in the NT??? Most have told me sure,,,many (of course they cant name one). I have never found a single one....and let me know if you have please. After puting years of doubts on the shelf, proving this NWT was a FRAUD brought the shelf crashing down!!! And Dinah I forgot to tell you I was just in Alabama to pick up my old jeep I found on e-bay...right off 20 near the GA border...LOVE IT!

    Lady Liberty: When you try reasoning with them regarding the things that were being taught when Christ supposedly did his inspection, they always say, "Well we don't teach that now! What does it matter??"

    LL I have been wanting to post a recent e-mail I sent my dad about this but it is kind of long. I point out that why is it that NONE of the teaching is the bible required brighter light? I list several examples such as Moses posting hundred of rules for the Jews....were some flat out false, and gradually transform into true??? What would be the point? The same with Christs many did the apostles write and say....well we used to teach this....but now, WITHOUT A DOUBT we know.....? BS....everything stayed the same. There is not a single example of falsehood being given to man to be transformed over time into the truth. Arent dubs supposed be copying the good old first century perfect christians?.....................geeze this is too early............more java..............oompa

  • LayingLow

    I agree oompa. My friend and I were talking lately about consistency. Hypocrisy results from inconsistency. Like a wedding ring, it has pagan origins. The shape of the heart goes back to Babylonia. Does that stop anyone, even witnesses, from wearing a pendant shaped like a heart, or a wedding ring? No. Why? Because no one is aware of the origin and the object or shape has taken on a new meaning. So if people celebrate something like Christmas, how can you slam them for it unless they do it for the old reason? If its for the new reason, its' no different than wearing a wedding ring to symbolize your love for your mate. Wearing a wedding band and celebrating holidays that have new meanings seem to go hand in hand. It's a philosophy that origins don't matter. However, if you have the philosophy that origins do matter (remember the candy/gutter illustration?) You better not only not celebrate Christmas, you better not wear hearts or rings, etc.. being consistent. The logical problem they have with this is as you pointed out. If origins matter, so do the origins of the WTS.

  • Satanus

    The wt was started w bs by russel, and it continues to be bs today. Truths do not change, not over decades, centuries, or milleniums.


  • oompa
    LL: (remember the candy/gutter illustration?)

    Do indulge me Low....I don't recall this....thanks.........oompa

  • LouBelle

    that is such a very simple way of putting it - boom bam kajam!

    I like it

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