I think he means the photo was taken in the early 1930's. I believe that is a photo of Errol Flynn...though CoCo may disagree...
CoCo is JWD's enigma, and we like him that way!
by compound complex 38 Replies latest jw friends
I think he means the photo was taken in the early 1930's. I believe that is a photo of Errol Flynn...though CoCo may disagree...
CoCo is JWD's enigma, and we like him that way!
Yes, we might as well age gracefully! Thanks for your good cheer and good attitude.
Sorry for your tragic losses. Part of getting older is our acceptance (painful though it may be) of what Judith Viorst refers to as necessary losses in her book of the same title. Thank you for your reply.
I, too, am actually enjoying getting older. Less - ironically - anxiety and more sense of fulfillment. Thanx!
We, surely, are in a bit of a time warp here. While that photo was taken in the era you referred to, Moi was in my thirties, quite, quite literalement! My photos are not at all dissimilar to my avatar ... how's that for clarity?!?!? Thank you!
CoCo L'Enigmatique
Coco, Yes aging happens to us all despite intense efforts to combat it.
My husband and I can no longer go into a dimley lit restaurant and read the menu without glasses or great lighting....Neither of which seems to happen every time we eat out (we forget the reading glasses). So many a waiter has to read the menu for us.
Our hair has changed: for myself, luxurious fast growing blond locks, now need coloring conditioning and for some odd reason started curling so I don't know how to style it anymore. My husband's curly black locks, now need coloring but seem to grow just as fast as they use to.
We seem tired much more than we use to and hire more things done. Our parent's are looking ancient and that feels sad.
I hope we are aging gracefully,...... it seems time passes much more quickly.
Hi Coco , Thanks for sympathy, i put it in to illustrate how this affected me and my outlook
Restrangled, You have just reminded me of two things and age. Reading glasses i have only recently needed them it is a real pain i read allot. The passage of time - it is going to fast and this seems so wrong the reverse of what it should be.
Coco i enjoy your way with words.
regards llbh
I do everything gracelessly.
Most people say I look pretty young for my age, we'll see how that holds up. :)
Tangled Errs aka restrangled:
I know so well the hair and eye thingy. I hate when the waiter has to read the menu for me! And the shock of hair is still there, but not one of mankind has tamed it nor ever shall. Never expected the silver ... Thanx for your ageless comments! Plum Pox
I appreciate your kind words and am glad that you are part of JWD.
We all have moments of gracelessness. Elaine's boss [SEINFELD] said that if you have too much grace you wouldn't be able to stand. Such wisdom! Thanx ..............
Well, well, well ! You surely caught me and the guys on a bad day! Deep down, I truly do hate mutinous behaviours - I simply cannot tolerate it! That day, however, I had no choice. No more hardtack fer me an' me mates. Arrgh! Scurvy dogs!
P.S. - Ollie and Moi make quite a dishy pair, yes?
CoCo Encore Le Suave
I was a curmedgeon at 12. But I'm told I still look 30. I have always been graceful. Even when tripping over my shoelaces.
In my mind I still want to ride where ever for thousands of miles. I want to see whats over that hill. I want to see what or who is around that curve. In my mind there are things I want to do. My body...tomorrow I go for an exam as my heart has developed a hic-cough of some sort. The doc calls it an atrial flutter. Sounds friendly enough but it does suck getting old.