Are You Aging Gracelessly?

by compound complex 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    Nature is not very fair, men can age much more gracefully than women. Men near 60 can still look distinguished and all that and attract a much younger female, but the same cannot be usually said of women close to 60. there are exceptions to every thing, however.

    Women seem to have to work harder as they age- getting the eye jobs and face lifts. Watch the news anchors-they have all had work done . To start looking old is the kiss of death in broadcasting for a female. But men as old as in there 80's can still be news anchors and no one asks them to get their eyes done.

    Someone once told me " getting older is not for Sissy's" True, Life can go along fairly well as long as you don't get any major diseases. Those can really take you down.

    I think having a good relationship and regular sex and social support are key to staying young.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    You will always look 30 to me, though all of us realize your behaviour is that of a 12 year old. Is that what you meant?
    Have you given some thought to wearing loafers? They are safer in the shoe lace department though a mite slippery if leather-soled.
    I do wish I knew more about sensible shoes. Thank you for sharing.


    I want to know what is over the hill before I am personally over it myself, if you get my drift. Happy trails, Dusty! I had more I wanted to say to you but I forgot ... where am I? You're welcome ...

    CoCo Confused

    Oh, yes, Frozen ... I hope your heart's all right and your tests go well. I know this is not the same as having a good heart condition. The best to you.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Not for Sissies! Right on. And men age better in the face because of the oil glands for the hair follicles of the beard. That hardly sounds scientific, but I have reason to believe, on rather spurious authority, that that, as they say, is the gist of it.

    I have lots of good relationships, but they're all platonic.

    Oh well ...

    Thank you for the reply,


  • HAL9000

    Disgracefully, more like it!

    At 52 near 53 I have gone very grey & have been told that I look distinguished (!?!)


    I don't see myself that way. There's an old fart in the mirror that I don't quite recognise......must be the multifocals......and I still want to ride my Ducati regardless of what everyone (like my friend the orthopaedic surgeon) says about it. In many ways I am getting more outrageous as I get older as I care less what others think.



  • compound complex
    compound complex


    "Dave - what are you doing?"

    I should think, HAL, that a monocle would suffice in your unique circumstance. Some Visine would prove helpful, too. Is the Ducati a motorized vehicle of some sort? I infer it poses danger to life and limb (not yours but those of unwary passersby).

    Please do not despair of somewhat outrageous behavior: you've worked hard for it, you deserve it and no one shall deprive you of it. Do, however, exercise a modicum a good sense - it's not the years but the mileage.

    I don't care what they think either!

    CoCo Le Confidant

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes ... this morning.

    CoCo Crumpled

  • jaguarbass

    Maybe I am aging gracefully after all ...

    AND YOU?

    CoCo Codger

    Theyve been giving me the senior discounts at Wendy's and another buffet. And I havent been asking for them.

    My wife joind arp.

    But I still have to work 7 more years till I get my social security.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey Jag,

    Well, then ... look at all the money you'll be saving by eating out regularly at Wendy's. You can bank it and retire early. Did they card you? BTW, a friend your age gets the AARP magagine, but says he's not entitled to the benefits offered till 62. Is that so?

    'Enjoy life; eat out more often!'

    Thanx for your reply,


  • Maddie

    I don't know what aging gracefully means! My body is going south but in my head I still think, act and like doing "young" things. I think I will fight the aging process till I draw my last breath.


  • Quandry

    As one authority put it, (Austin Powers): "There's nothing worse than an aging hipster."

    I was in Wal-Mart the other day and saw a woman with hipster clothing (long, loose multicolored kaftan (sp)), dyed red hair that was very long with little bangs and long skinny braids in front. The above quote immediately came to mind. She seemed to be in her own world and didn't acknowledge the stares, although in Wal-Mart, one has to admit, alot of different sights are seen......but I digress......

    It seems that I have awakened from a sleep, rather like Rip Van Winkle, after being in the Borg for more than thirty years, and realized that life passed me by.

    I looked into the mirror and realized that I had never really prepared myself for life. I had no education. No retirement. And now, am unnoficially shunned, so no friends. I just had wrinkles, and a low paying job, and the realization that instead of "the new system is soooo close," arthritis and other ailments are hotly pursuing.

    But, at 56 years old, I am back in the game. I am in college, although I have to work full time, and can only go part time. I hope by the time I graduate, I will have enough memory left (and maybe a clean depends) to go get my diploma. Not that at that time I will be hireable for a new job, but......

    Oh, yes, I also dye my hair and can relate to the mult-lens glasses. Notice I also increased the font size for us. If I had money, I'd get something, anything, lifted.

    At any rate, I don't know if I am aging gracefully or not. Maybe that is for others to decide. I do try to look classy, and not evoke stares, as per the views quoted above....what else can one do?

    Now, why was I writing this?

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