First post - Help Required.

by Skepticue 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    The book "captive of a concept" has a very good suggestion. It suggests that you become the student, the only way that a JW will see you anyway, and that you ask him appropriate questions that will slowly undermine his beliefs. This will take a long time though and you will have to look into the beliefs yourself and know what he is going to say next. A very good site to get the low down on JW's is Jwfacts.

    No guarantee that this will work though. JW's belong to a cult. Not the best odds to fight against....

    Let us know how you get on…..


  • MsMcDucket

    If he's happy, leave him alone. I came to that conclusion with my daughters. If they ever decide that they want my support or advice, I will give it to them. They know not to talk to me about the religion or try to get me to come back.

    In a life or death situation, I'd have to break the law or something! They'd just have to hate me!

  • jgnat

    Religion and office politics don't mix. This guy is also your employer; you two are not on equal footing.

    Let him be. If he tries to encourage you to join in his religion, be equally resistant. Tell him you have "concerns", and that's about it.

  • momzcrazy

    When I first realized the real "truth" I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. I wanted to save as many people as I could. It didn't work. My mom won't speak to me, and my mother in law still does, but isn't real happy at the moment.

    Ms. McDucket, your advice may be the best on the whole thread.


  • Hortensia

    Dual relationships are very difficult to maintain and often end in grief. You work for the guy, and you also feel a personal attachment to him. Separate the two. You have pretty clear outlines of what you are supposed to do as an employee, it doesn't include making suggestions about the boss's private life. To comment about his religion, to say or imply it is destructive and untrue is crossing an important boundary - going too far. I think you are heading for problems - unless you can maintain appropriate boundaries. As jgnat said, you aren't on equal footing.

  • stillajwexelder

    welcome to the board

  • Farkel

    Leave it be. The gurus say, "when the student is ready, the teacher will come." He seems fine just where he is at the moment. If he asks questions, or expresses doubts about his religion, come back here and we will provide the answers. Don't venture information as others have pointed out.

    If he never changes and stays truly happy as a JW, then I am happy for him.


  • Skepticue

    Thanks very much for your advice. It's really helped.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Hi and welcome.

    I never dreamt that my parents, with whom I was incredibly close, would choose to obey this man-made cult and shun me completely solely because I told them some of what is wrong with their JW religion--I was a card-carrying member. Partly, I wish that I had handled it all differently, but I know I would only have postponed the situation as it is now and was tired of pretending that I still believed it.

    My point is, if you do this, you will lose your friend and eventually your job. The longer you can NOT care about that of which he is a member apart from work, the longer you will have him in your life, and as good friends are truly hard to find, I hope that is for a very long time.

    The chance that he will listen to the facts and see it for what it is, is sooooo slim, you will only hurt yourself. And he will simply tread away in self-righteousness, gloating that he squashed Satan's attempt to weaken his faith, and he will never give you another thought. But, you will be crushed.

    Be happy with what you have. That's my opinion.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll
    To comment about his religion, to say or imply it is destructive and untrue is crossing an important boundary - going too far. I think you are heading for problems .
    You are not on equal footing.

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