Ive' Lost You.

by Blueblades 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Ive' Lost You, yes Ive' lost. I don't hear you laugh, I don't see you smile, I see the face so sad, It's because I am so bad.

    Your eyes use to sparkle and shine, now they are dull. Your smile is not there, it's gone. Your face is so sad. I know I am the reason you have lost your smile, your laughter, your face.

    Everyone else says you are so beautiful. They don't see the saddness inside. You wish for something better than you have. You love me and hate my actions. You want peace in your life. You need to end this relationship for your own peace of mind. And so it shall be. I cry, you cry, I lost you, yes I lost you.

    Blueblades, so sad.

  • avishai

    Aww, buddy....

    So sorry ((((Blueblades))))

  • Abandoned


  • prophecor

    (((((((((((((((((((( Blueblades ))))))))))))))))))))))

  • flipper

    BLUEBLADES- Sorry you are going through this pain friend. Hugs from Mr. & Mrs. Flipper Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • tooktheredpill
  • Blueblades

    Where is God, where is the Christ? So much pain and so much suffering. We have lost them, they have lost us. Can they say, I have lost you? Can we say I have lost you? Personal relationshipss are so fragile. The details, who can understand? The grass is greener on the other side, really, who say s so? God oh God, talk to me! Christ oh Christ reveal yourself to me. Stop this ambiguity. The torment is relentless. Show yourself to me. You know that I doubt like Thomas. What have Ive' done so that you don't give me any sign whatsoever? So many here have spoken that they have had a personal relationship with the Christ. Why not me! I've given my whole life to the worship and works of God/ Jesus, yet no response from them.

    I've lost you, yes I've lost you. Do you hear me crying, do you read this/? And yet I know that the world is in a bigger mess, that Satan, if you chose to believe is blocking the approach.


  • PEC


  • blueviceroy

    check you PM's blueblades

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