Ive' Lost You.

by Blueblades 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    For You Blueblades.

  • Warlock

    Brother Blue,

    When I tell you "I feel your pain", I mean it.

    There is nothing I can do, except support you with my words.


  • snowbird
    So many here have spoken that they have had a personal relationship with the Christ. Why not me! I've given my whole life to the worship and works of God/ Jesus, yet no response from them.

    Brother Blue, peace to you. Been there, thought that. Just be still and listen. Don't fret; don't doubt; He is near. Stand back and allow Him to surround you with His love.



  • Maddie

    (((((Blueshades)))))) Love and hugs as you go through this pain


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    It's because I am so bad.

    You are only bad in the eyes of judgemental pricks who don't know you.

    I believe that God didn't shown himself to me because I was expecting too much from a God that other people had made for me. In losing their God I have found myself.

    I feel the way you do sometimes. I get over it. I have to to keep my sanity. I do it by hanging out with people who accept me for who I am.

    The most Christian people I know are athiests and are good friends when I am in trouble.

    I also take the view that the world is in a pretty good state right now. A look at my family tree shows families that lost many children to war, malnutrition and disease. One line of my family that had been around for at least 400 years died out to one male still carrying the family name, a combination of inclement weather and political upheaval.

    The world is getting warmer, that means less inclement weather and greater prosperity. Enjoy it.



  • delilah

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((( Blueblades )))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • LouBelle

    I may not know you but that is sad & I feel for you and I really don't know what else to say.

    Strength and peace to you.


    Here's another hug


  • Sunspot


    I am not really clear on who is doing the leaving, a human lover or God. I am getting a mixed message on this. (Sorry---sometimes I can be very dense). But I do know that no matter HOW down we feel or WHAT we may have done....that Jesus is only a call away when you ask him into your heart.

    love and hugs,


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