"Out of One, Many"

by Farkel 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Farkel

    For you apostate warriers, old and new, take this to heart. If you are like me, you get discouraged from time to time what with all the noise and fluff floating around. I can't count the number of times I've asked myself "is this worth the effort?"

    I was talking with onacruse just yesterday and we brought up this very subject. I said something to the effect that if we each can just help ONE person to break the chains of the Watchtower prison, all the work would have been worth it. Onacruse was well, basically neurotic! the first time I talked with him about five years ago. He was techically out of the WTS, but still clinging to the religion. I could tell he didn't need to be bashed in the head. Just supported and encouraged. That's what I did and at least two other of our mutual friends did. He's out and very happy now.

    Below is a private message and pieces of two others PM's I received from someone less than an hour ago. This person was a hard core JW who rode into the old H20 on his white horse with his guns blazing. Of course, he was shooting blanks. I was very tough on him. VERY tough! After the shock wore off, he stopped talking, started listening and eventually started asking questions. It took a while but he left the religion. It's been probably 5 years since we last communicated. With his permission, I am posting his comments to me. You all DO make a difference. Note the good that can happen when you can help just ONE JW
    into genuine freedom.

    Try to remember this is just one of many examples out there the next time you get discouraged, ok?


    :hey Farkel

    :just a note to say hello.

    :its a long time (8 years) since you helped me out. im married now with a kid on the way in 2 weeks. and not to kiss ur ass too much, but its largely thanks to you. ive allso heled 10 others to leave including my PO and his wife and daughter.

    :cheers big ears. you sure leave some big footprints.

    :thanks again, though thats too small a word.

    :you should mention my mum, who was a pioneer for 25 years now goes round the local doctors offices removing the magazines when she finds them. and my dad burnt all his books in case "the binmen read them and got baptized"!!

    E Pluribus Unim means "out of many, one."

    In this case we can say "out of one, many." The bottom line is, you never know how many lives can be changed for the better by what you do.

    Farkel, of the fossil warrier class

  • Dansk

    Hey Farkel,

    One of your old adversaries actually helped get me out of the Borg, too! He posts here as ISP

    Did you manage to contact Norm?


  • Farkel


    : Did you manage to contact Norm?

    Yes. He called me a few days ago and we spoke for about an hour. It was great to catch up with each other. He said Kent would want to talk with me, so I'm looking forward to that again, too!


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    It's nice to see you "fossil warriers" pop in from time to time. Adds to a sense of community, IMO.

    I hope someday you'll finally realize the dubs were really right after all and you were just having a "bad hair" decade... or two.


    *pokes head back in*

    p.s. Do you ever hear from Alan F? The two of you huffed and puffed and blew my JW house of cards down. Ya bastards.

    Open Mind

  • Farkel

    : Do you ever hear from Alan F?

    I talked with him just a few nights ago. He's doing fine.

    Sorry about your "house of cards!"


  • NewLight2

    Extra - Please delete - sorry

  • NewLight2

    This kinda sound like 'old home thread' so I'll just pop in too and say "Hi" to all of the 'oldies' out there!

  • Dansk
    Sorry about your "house of cards!"

    No you're not!


  • onacruse

    LOL! Yeah, those were the "good old days," even if, for me, they were only about 5 years ago.

    I'm glad that Alan and Doug and Dave and I and some others can now sit back and have a good chuckle about "how I was" then. I remember one conversation I had with Dave that went something like this:

    D: "Do you realize how much you were talking to me just like a JW?"

    C: "No I wasn't! I was being logical."

    D: "No you weren't."

    C: "Yes I was."

    D: "No you weren't."

    C: "I wasn't?"

    D: "No you weren't."

    C: "Really?"

    D: "Really."

    C: "Geez, I didn't realize that."

    D: "No, you didn't."

    C: "Well, I guess I have some thinking to do."

    D: "Yes you do."

    fwiw, what saved me from the light sabres of these gents was that I was willing, however reluctantly, to give their observations about my belief system serious and sincere consideration...and with some patience (read baby-steps) I feel less conflict in my heart and mind than I have for over 30 years.

    However, I have always been as sane as a cane, and I resent any inference to the contrary.

  • Uzzah

    It's hard to believe those days of H20 started for me over 11 years ago when I tentatively posted as "J" and was still attending meetings hoping I was wrong about my doubts and personal research. What an education along the way!

    Today, I also feel like I am the old fart sitting on his porch in his rocking chair yelling at the neighbourhood kids "Git off my lawn' only to realize I actually enjoy the youthful laughter and fun. Ten years ago it seemed there was the need to expose and stab at the underbelly of the BORG and we did, through H20 and other boards and the phenomenal research of many including Farkel (also known for his sharp tongue/wit), Alan, Kent, Norm and so many others.

    But what to do with the old knights once all the dragons have been slain? T'is the time for healing, strengthening, hand holding. Skills not suited to warriors. So today we laud the warriors and loathe them simultaneously. The BORG is destined now for mockery rather than to be feared as it was in past legend. Posters today mock the wounds exposed by the warriors, revel in the tales of the battle and swear to never let people forget the weaknesses of the dragon. The warriors and the tools/weapons used to defeat the feared beast gradually forgotten except in legend and story. Villagers preferring to move on rebuilding lives and recounting the tales and welcoming/supporting newcomers who still live in fear of the dragon.

    I miss the battles of old but respect the patience and qualities of those now doing the healing and comforting. Miss ya Doug and thank you and all the old warriors for the battles you fought for your own freedom and for the education of others.

    Uzzah - the poster also formerly known as H20 Mod101 and FD2.


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