"Out of One, Many"

by Farkel 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Farkel


    :Uzzah - the poster also formerly known as H20 Mod101 and FD2.

    Hey! Didn't you used to delete some of my rants on H20? Didn't I put a contract out on you because of that? I thought so! You MUST have deleted some of my rants, because every other mod and forum director did!

    Good to cya!



  • onacruse

    Anybody who mods Farkel is OK in my book! LOL

  • seven006

    “However, I have always been as sane as a cane, and I resent any inference to the contrary.”

    No you weren’t!

    You were a bull headed, beer guzzle’n, ice brain stubborn, pain in the ass!

    I told Alan once that talking to you on the phone was like shoving ice picks in my ears.

    Glad you finally got a clue. You were a chore.

    I’m glad I’m out of the saving souls from the soul savers business now. I think Fark is still up to the task. I can tell by the opening of one of his last posts where he started it by saying “greetings fool”. I’m still laughing my ass off about that one. He is a classic.



    Uzzah - That was lovely.

    When I came on this site a little over 6 months ago I spent about 8 -11 hours a day devouring everything newly posted on a daily basis. I also went back and read a lot of the old posts sometimes following a thread and sometimes veering off to follow a particular poster. I learned an amazing amount of sometimes shocking information from people that I recognized as being on the front lines, geniuses at exposing the evil cult. The history here is mind-boggling. I still read old threads almost daily.

    I never attended another meeting from the first day I found this site. I am so grateful to all of you, the warriors who, by posting, made it so easy for me to see through the lies.

    This information saved my life and I thank you all. Please don't mistake our fluff for being unappreciative or unhelpful to others as well.


    (of the "Lovin' the Fluff because I am on stress overload and right now it's keeping me sane" class )

  • Frank75

    Uzzah and myself go back to childhood. I am impressed upon reflection, how our lives have come full circle almost simultaneously. For me, I started 11 years ago posting as a JW apologist on H2O against the likes of Farkel and AF (AlanF- Are we allowed to say his JWD name here?) among others.

    I think Uzzah's analogy is well worded although I am afraid the dragons are still out there along with the breeder male. That being said I concur with his sentiments and am often made to feel like a dinosaur nowadays!

    Farkel! To you I too owe a debt of gratitude that I really have never paid out to you. So this is as good a time as any!

    You and those like you who gave of yourselves (while I was counting time and earning salvation) will always be remembered with fondness and affection by me.

    Love and Peace, but most of all Thanks!

    From Frank75 (Frank on H2O) and all those who I have helped out of the Borg!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    From Frank75 (Frank on H2O) and all those who I have helped out of the Borg!

    Here here Frank!! Mem and I owe you alot!!



  • jayhawk1

    Never posted on H2O, but reading rants by Farkel, AlanF, Kent, Norm, and others sure helped with the confusion I found myself in. It was also a treat to speak to Alan by phone. Just to hear the voice of a kind person and not some imagined devil made a differance.


    I love evil apostates.

    This is where real love is. I have found the love and support on this board to be genuine and unconditional. Everything the organization promised and didn't deliver. Truth and love.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey Farkel,

    I want to give some public thanks to you, you cantankerous old warrior!

    Although I was OUT of the WTB&TS long before I encountered your "mysterious work" online, it was the work of yourself and other old warriors who helped me transition from "inactive" to "activist." Like you said, there is much good in helping even one of the little ones get free of Watchtower brainlock.


    What puzzles me though, is that for someone here as long as you have been, it seems you don't know how to work the quotes function.

    I know the fluff just rubs you raw -- a fluff allergy, perhaps? -- but homo sapiens is a social creature, and so we chit-chat about pizza toppings as we pick the philosophic lice off of each other just as our simian progenitors did.

    Philology recapitulates ontology, or verse vica, dude.

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