As you know Dad there are many, many things in the Hebrew Scriptures that have always troubled me about Gods dealings with man. These type of things make it difficult for me to not only draw close to him, but make me question if I could really worship him. Over and over I have been taught he is always Just, he is Love....and yet he had laws that allowed young girls to be raped by a man and then she actually had the privilege of marrying her rapist...if she was not engaged. You can call that Loving and Just if you want, I can't. He arranged for Jewish soldiers to be able to take "evil worldly pagan" girls back home with them whose parents and family had been killed and rape them after a month as often as they wanted. Then if the girl was not just what they wanted, they could let them go....why not, the next city ravaged they could pick up another girl! This is not how I would display Love or Justice, would you? Not too long ago the Society said that since the "evil worldly pagan" girls were out of town, or removed from their home, they were not a threat to them spiritually. Does anyone wonder if the hundreds of captives held by the USA in Quantanamo Bay, removed from their home, are still a threat? Even people who want to let them go don't know what to do with them because they know what will happen. I can go on and on with Bible examples that do not fit the Societies description of God. As you know these are virtually never talked about, and I do not think most JW's have ever thought about or noticed them. I am glad you are willing to discuss other Bible teachings with me, because I do still have many questions now after my worst fears were realized regarding our Bible and the explanations at the back of it, and in other literature. I doubt I will feel the need to discuss that with you because that debate is over. All of the explanations I received confirmed quite clearly that they know their position has no support and no manuscript support of any type, they have known it for some time, and have known that it has bothered many Brothers over the years, but have not changed it or educated us about this. It may not bother you or some others that now know about it, but it does me. How this information about bringing Jehovah into the Christian Scriptures without support is not taught all Witnesses before they are baptized is beyond me. I do not know what Bible I will be using for Christian Greek Scripture research or reading, but for right now it will not be the New World Translation. I have Googled for Bibles using Jehovah in the New Testament many different ways, and as of right now have been unable to even find a single version that has added it even once. Did we use American Standard mostly before the New World Translation? When you get a chance, maybe you can comment on some of the other items I sent you......... and he's an elder of like 25 years...............thats right.............ooompa
dad hates letter telling him I will no longer use NWT-RASH....and...
by oompa 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That was pretty strong stuff and I am proud of you. Very good points.
(((((oompa))))) A neighbor gave me an ASV with study notes from her pastor. It's a direct translation so it's not so conversational, but I hope more accurate.
Did we use American Standard mostly before the New World Translation?
I believe that to be correct. When I started to study in 1956, that was the bible of choice by most JW's who I knew. It was a light-brown, mottled texture, hard cover bible that was printed by WTB&TS.
It was the first bible I ever opened, the one on Dad's magazine stand when he and Mom were gone somewhere.
Most, who used these in the ministry had them recovered in a leather, overlapping binding, and mostly black in color -- so they would look more like a bible.
I still have my original, the first complete NWT, the large, thick one, where they combined the various volumes (5) into one, probably in 1963. In the front it says, "Copyright, 1953-1960".
If memory serves, the name Jehovah did not appear in the ASV Greek Scriptures, just the Hebrew side.
A pretty strong message, but then sometimes one needs to hit the stubborn mule between the eyes with a 2X4 to get its attention. Not sure what the reference to the detainees at Gitmo had to do with anything though.... carmel
I think I still have an American Standard from the good old days (printed by the WT).
To me, the original King James version, with updated English, is a good choice. There are many other translations, but the King James version was put out by people that wanted to make the Bible more accessible to the general public in their common language.
I definitely would not depend on the New World Translation. That version has so many deliberate errors put there solely to back up the doctrines. If you do use that translation, I would definitely use it solely to verify that the Tower is teaching a bunch of lies.
Better to use several different versions and verify that they have common denominators. Like, if they all render John 1:1 as the Word being God, you can be pretty sure that the NWT is intentionally inaccurate there. You could pick one as your primary source, and use others (which are available online) as backup sources.
I would also not trust the Mormon Bible, since it too is likely to contain intentional errors.
I definitely would not depend on the New World Translation. That version has so many deliberate errors put there solely to back up the doctrines. If you do use that translation, I would definitely use it solely to verify that the Tower is teaching a bunch of lies.
Good advice for everyone.
I personally like The Ryrie Study Bible NAS Hardback with Red Letter Indexing. You can get it at And there's the Blue Letter Bible website: which has several versions of the Bible for convenient viewing (But I'm sure that you already knew this...) The New King James Version is the version that I read when I'm on their site. If I may suggest, you can use BLB to tide you over until you get another Bible, then use it to help supplement any research, like I do.
WTWizard. I would not use the Mormon Bible.........
The Mormons use the King James Version.
Carmel: Not sure what the reference to the detainees at Gitmo had to do with anything though....
The way I took it he was saying that even the INNOCENT Gitmo detainees are likely more dangerous now than they were when imprisoned because of the way they have lost liberties. If they weren't anti-American, they are now.
The young women whose families were butchered by the invading Israelites would have been a serious threat simply for that fact.
That's what I took him to mean, but I could be wrong.