Some jack ass put up a video of nature scenes with the NWT audio of the "Fear inspiring day of jehovah." So I took the idiots sound track and put the rightful pictures with it that show the reality of their sick doctrine of the "Day of Jehovah." Your comments would be appreciated. W.Once
Video response to "The Day of Jehovah is Near" your response?
by Wasanelder Once 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I cannot see what those children did to deserve to get destroyed. Of course, all children misbehave sometimes (often, unintentionally because they need to explore and that need is being stifled). But, nothing to deserve to get destroyed.
And why? Because the parents did not become witlesses. They get the thought that they didn't give their children a chance at life because they would not give up their whole lives and support that cult. That makes the parents feel bad, with the idea that they will ultimately become witlesses. Of course, those that do find that the children are more likely to be abused, they lose out on fun, and ultimately they become poor and unfulfilled.
Or, perhaps it actually is a sin to do what children are naturally inclined to do. Why were they created with the drive to explore and learn if doing so is really that wrong? Most of them appear to be having a bit of fun in a school situation, perhaps music class or some special event. Why is that wrong? Perhaps Jehovah really is that cruel that He would make people with strong drives and then declare that attempting to satisfy them is a sin that deserves dying.
As if to make their point, jws say that God killed children during the flood and at Sodom and Gomorrah, never to live again. But were there children at the flood, Noah's adult children had no children at the time of the flood. You can see why jw parents are anxious to get their children baptized as young as possible, since they don't know the cut off age for the "family merit" doctrine of the WTS. I've heard jw children as young as 5 or 6 getting baptized. Good video, direct and to the point. jws dance around the issue and say that it is up to God.
*** w54 3/1 p. 139 The Meaning of Baptism Today ***Only by keeping integrity to God and by associating with God’s people, the New World society, may we hope to survive the destruction of this wicked world in the coming battle of Armageddon and enter into the new world of righteousness even as Noah and his family entered a new world after the flood.—Matt. 24:37-39; 2 Pet. 3:7, 13; Rev. 16:14, 16.
*** w56 4/1 p. 208 par. 44 Making All Mankind One Under Their Creator ***For the sake of gaining more knowledge associate henceforth with the New World society of Jehovah’s witnesses. It is the only organization on earth today that is really practicing godly harmony and oneness under the one Shepherd Jesus Christ. It is the only visible organization that today offers the hope and the assurance to mankind of living through the unavoidable world catastrophe at Armageddon and surviving into God’s new world.
*** w89 9/1 p. 19 par. 7 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium ***Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4) They will make up the "flesh" that Jesus Christ said would be saved through the worst tribulation of all human history. As it was in the days of Noah, said Jesus, so it would be in the day when He would be revealed. Inside the ark that took many years of organized effort to complete, only eight human souls survived the global Deluge. They survived as a united family group. (Matthew 24:22, 37-39; Luke 17:26-30) Noah’s wife corresponds to the bride of Christ, and his sons and daughters-in-law to Jesus’ present-day "other sheep," who have grown into an increasing great crowd, the final proportions of which we do not now know. (John 10:16) For survival into the Millennium under the Greater Noah, Jesus Christ, they have to remain organized with the anointed remnant, "the chosen ones" on account of whom the days of the "great tribulation" will be cut short.—Matthew 24:21, 22.
*** w91 1/15 p. 29 The Pure Language Unites a Great Crowd of Worshipers ***"Become United by the Pure Language" was the title of Friday’s public talk. The speaker showed that although three thousand different languages now act as barriers to unity, the pure language is a mighty unifying force. It has safeguarded Jehovah’s Witnesses against Babylonian errors, has taught them respect for the sanctity of life and blood, and has helped them to live by Bible principles that benefit them spiritually and physically. All need to be concerned about learning and speaking the pure language, for only those doing so will survive Armageddon. There is no time to lose in heeding the counsel at Zephaniah 2:1-3.
Wasa, geat vid!
I found this one that was on that same page created by JW.
it's 6 minutes long (but great enigma)soundtrack, and shows why armegeddon is coming...
I posted a comment the children in the vid are all going to be killed at armegeddon and it was immediately marked as spam.
Wasanelder Once
Hey thanks! I took the list of words from the description and will put them in my video descriptions. They are in so many languages that it will make this video pop up for thousands. Great. Thanks. W.Once God, Jehovahs Witnesses foretold prophecy Jehovah se Getuies ???? ???? Jehovah se Getuies ???? ???? Testigos de Xehová Jehová Diosan Qhanañchirinakapaxa ??????????? ?? ?????? Jehovini svjedoci Testimonis de Jehovà Saksi ni Jehova Svedkové Jehovovi Jehovas Vidner Zeugen Jehovas ???t??e? t?? ?e??ß? Jehovah's Witnesses Atestantoj de Jehovo Testigos de Jehová Jehoova tunnistajad Jehobaren Lekukoak Jehovan todistajat Jehova Vitni Témoins de Jéhovah Testemonis di Jeova he:??? ???? Jehovini svjedoci Jehova Tanúi Testes de Jehovah Vottar Jehóva Testimoni di Geova ?????? Bambangi ya Yehowa Sahidên Yahowa Dustunyoryon Yehovah Testes Iehovah Jehovos liudytojai Nga Kaiwhakaatu o Ihowa ???????? ??????? ???? ?????????? Jehova's getuigen Jehovas vitne Jehovas vitner Jehovah's Witness Swiadkowie Jehowy ????????? ?????? Jehovini svjedoci Jehovah's Witnesses Svedkovia Jehovovi ???????? ??????? Jehovas vittnen Basupi ba ga Jehova Yehova'nin Sahitleri ?????? ????? Nhân Ch?ng Giê-hô-va ?????? zh-min-nan:Iâ-hô-hoa Kiàn-chèng-jîn Testemunhas de Jeova Testigos de Jehova armageddon armegeddon armaggeddon armeggedon armaggedon
Good job, enjoyed it and hope many will see the evil of the watchtower.
Great job. I left a comment (I`m Norm4Jean,I`m a guy, it`s just a band I like,but everyone on youtube thinks I`m a girl,lol). Anyway, good video!
I posted to both...
You have a PM
i really enjoyed that said they joke about what houses they will take........ i remember if we encountered someone at the door who new their bible (usually a christain) on the out of the drive way we would whisper and joke almost gleem in the fact that they were going to die at armagedon......actually the term; "they'll or he'll die at armagedon" is something i remember very very well......