Video response to "The Day of Jehovah is Near" your response?

by Wasanelder Once 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Great Job W.Once !!

    The Kingdom Hall is no place for children... or for any other thinking person.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Good vid

    I found this one - not very exciting but some of the comments below it might invite some fun and games from you seasoned folks!

  • carla

    Is this one of the first things a jw learns in TM school (?) or something? How to respond to all and any questions, debate, or if you can come with no other argument? I see it so often from jw's and have heard it from mine anytime I challenged his thinking.

    "Okay truth....why don't you tell us your version of the truth. We all want to hear. Do you believe in the trinity? hellfire? eternal soul? the rapture.....please enlighten us..."

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