I'm Happy to Live in a Christian Nation

by BurnTheShips 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 144001
    I'm happy that I live in a secular nation, so that if I want to, I can wipe my butt with pages torn from the Bible. Praise the lord.

    Amen, Sister Robdar. Make sure to have the Prep H ready . . . advice from those in the know!

  • changeling
    I find it amusing you say this, as I've read recent posts from believers calling non-believers arrogant, and intolerant

    So you agree with me! Believers are judgemental name callers! LOL

    In all seriousness, the tone I hear in many believer's posts IS judgemental. This in of itself makes me glad I'm on the other side.

    Let's live an let live.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) U.S. reformer, suffragist

    Nixon: "I am not a crook." Bush: "Read my lips—no new taxes." Jesus: "I am coming soon." Anonymous

    The House and Senate both employ chaplains. The cost to taxpayers exceeds $500,000.00 a year. If it worked, it might be worth it. But so far, there is no evidence of divine intervention. Anonymous

  • avishai
    I find it hilarious that you call an article written by a secular Jew, and posted by a Hispanic as "Red Neck". That's rich!

    So you're saying secular Jews and hispanics can't be "rednecks?" I've seen both, but for the sake of argument, how about "hicks" instead? *Avi, of the secular jew sh*tkicker class*

  • Zico

    "So you agree with me! Believers are judgemental name callers! LOL"

    Ha! :) They can be yes, can be, I don't like to generalise. I hope I'm not a judgemental name caller...

    "In all seriousness, the tone I hear in many believer's posts IS judgemental. This in of itself makes me glad I'm on the other side."

    I hear that tone in some posts too. I just happen to see it from both sides, and I also see posts from each side claiming the other side is judgemental/arrogant and then say they don't see it from their own side. The problem imo is, that often, each side doesn't seem to understand each other.

    "Let's live an let live."

    Ok. :) I should add that I don't find you judgemental or arrogant!

  • frankiespeakin


    I hear that tone in some posts too. I just happen to see it from both sides, and I also see posts from each side claiming the other side is judgemental/arrogant and then say they don't see it from their own side. The problem imo is, that often, each side doesn't seem to understand each other.

    "Let's live an let live."

    Yes that is the big problem we can't seem to understand one another, it is not always a bad thing to have different views and sometimes we just need to try and respect others who disagree but hell sometimes we just get all emotional do a little name calling and shit just happens. Hopefully no one gets too hurt, and we lick each others wounds.

  • BurnTheShips

    Better watch out with that razorblade Avi, a rough shave reddens the neck. ;-)

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    I love this nation. But I must say that article is filled with hasty generalizations among a whole bunch of fallacious argumentation, as in appeal to emotion, appeal to ridicule, etc. The sort of argumentation you hear from a crazed college sports fan rambling about the rival school.

    You took the words right out of my mouth. This article is generic and is nothing more than a biased rant.

  • stevenyc

    :Burt Prelutsky isn’t a Christian. But even as a Jewish agnostic, he’s grateful not to live in a country where a teacher can get thrown in jail over the name of a teddy bear.

    Well yes.

    :Usually, when people say they’re not religious, they’re looking to pick a fight or at least start an argument.

    Nothing like a good uncorroborated statement. This guy could write for the watchtower. I wonder if the rest of his piece will be based on non-secuiar?

    :That’s probably because people who identify themselves as atheists or agnostics are often as dogmatic as Cotton Mather and have merely made a religion of their own non-belief.

    It looks like this guy is going to base his argument on full blown BS. Where is his evidence for this non-sequitur.

    :In my case, however, religion simply plays no role in my life. Or perhaps I should say institutionalized religion, seeing as how I very much subscribe to the Judeo-Christian value system. It’s the reason that I’m so grateful that two sets of Russian Jewish grandparents had the guts to pack up their kids and caboodle, and move to America.

    Another non-sequitar. If the writer subscribed to the "Judeo-Christian value system" as written by the "Judeo-Christian" bible writers, then he would be locked up. Our value system has less to do with the 'good-book' and more to do with the development of our society as a whole. An example would be why we now find it repugnant to stone people.
    I'm sure he's grateful that his grandparent came to America. But his rationale is misplaced.

    :Unfortunately, they and many others like them included in their baggage several hundred years worth of religious antagonisms. In far too many cases, these fears and prejudices, although initially well-founded, have been passed along like precious heirlooms from one generation to the next.


    :Even among some of my friends and relatives, there are those who half-expect their Christian neighbors to start organizing pogroms any day now. They remain unconvinced that Hitler and the Nazis were pagans. And even when I point out that it was American and British soldiers, mainly Christians, who brought down the Third Reich and liberated the concentration camps, it often falls on deaf ears.

    Okay, so what is he getting at?

    :So, although I do not accept that we are all fallen creatures or that Jesus Christ died for my sins, I am thankful that I live in a Christian nation.

    Incorrect, he lives in a secular nation. A nation which allows the same freedom and rights to all people of all sways. Unlike, what is written in his "Judeo-Christian" bible. Take the account of Joshua to see how to treat people of a different faith. Or read Paul to understand the 'proper' place for a woman.

    :I realize that it’s only my dumb luck to be an American. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to one’s religion, it is usually determined by geography, not by choice. If you’re born in Japan, you are likely to be a Buddhist; if you’re born in Italy, you’re likely to be a Roman Catholic; in India, a Hindu; in England, an Anglican; in Utah, a Mormon; and in New York City, a liberal.

    Agreed. A persons God is regional based. See the CIA Factbook for proof.

    :This is not to suggest that, even in my eyes, all religions are equally valid.

    Well, what does he mean by "valid"? Valid, in that they demonstrate less bigotry and violence or valid in that what they preach is not delusional? Either way, he has no god-given right to quantify validity.

    :You’d have to be one of those non-judgmental pinheads who sound the trumpets for cultural diversity, pretending to believe that all nations, all religions and all ideologies, are equally good and equally bad.

    Which is why he loves to live in this SECULAR country, pinhead. All religions can give it a go here, but, America uses LAWS to determine whether the actions of individuals and groups are permitted. It bans and imprisons those which exceed these secular laws. Not the "Judeo-Christian" values.

    :So long as Islam is around, only an idiot could seriously promote such nonsense.


    :Muslims are people who believe that freedom is a naughty word, who believe that women are no better than cattle, and who refer to the ninth century as the good old days.

    It's so easy to lump millions of people together. Here, I'll have a go. - Christians are people who believe that education is a naughty word, who believe that women are no better than cattle at choosing what they can do with their bodies, and who refer to the ninth century as the old Christian church.

    :It was bad enough when they used a newspaper cartoon as an excuse to go berserk. Now they’re outraged because of a Sudanese teddy bear. These Neanderthals actually wanted to torture and execute English school teacher Gilliam Gibbons because, at the behest of a seven-year-old in her class, she named the stuffed toy Muhammad.

    This is just more bigotry. With his use of "they", he is incorporating all Muslems. This would be incorrect as the Muslim Council of Britain, an umbrella group of British Muslim organizations, called the sentence "completely unjustified." with regard to Gillian Gibbons.

    More bigotry.

    :Imagine if Catholics were as psychotic as Islamists. Just having a little Jesus on his dashboard or a crèche in his front yard would be like signing his own death warrant.

    Ah, ignoring history again I see. What about the Catholics that brutalize pregnant teenagers (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20070504/ai_n19066970) , or the Christian fundamentalists that kill doctors here in America (http://www.cnn.com/US/9810/24/doctor.killed.02/).

    :So, even though I haven’t a religious bone in my body, I have every reason to be grateful I was born in a country in which it’s Christ’s birthday, and not Muhammad’s first slaying of an infidel, that’s celebrated as a national holiday.

    No sir, you are an ignorant, bigoted, dick that is allowed to say such tripe because you live in a secular country that has written into is constitution your right to spew bullsh-t. But, be careful. You are getting close to the line between 'freedom of speech' and inciting fear and hatred. And, should you cross that line, it is our secular laws that will put you in jail.

  • avishai
    But, be careful. You are getting close to the line between 'freedom of speech' and inciting fear and hatred. And, should you cross that line, it is our secular laws that will put you in jail.

    I disagree...

    I agree with alot of your post, though, steve. For instance, lumping all christians into the "terrorist" category for the bombings, riots, etc. on both sides of N. Ireland, would be ridiculous. Same w/ David Koresh, Timothy Mcveigh, etc.

    But, until I looked at it that way.... yeah, I had a problem with Islam.

    Still do, in the sense that I have a huge problem w/ fundamentalism. Jewish, Christians, and Muslims all have their maniacs... believe how I do, or die. If your not w/ us, you're against us. Now THAT in ANY religion, is the problem.

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