I've been DF'd since March of 2007, haven't been to a Kingdom Hall since Memorial, and haven't been to a regular meeting since about Nov. 2006.
My dad's whole side of the family cut me off, my one aunt and my grandma did completely. My other aunt and my dad are having a harder time with it. Dad was calling about every 2 months. My aunt about once per month. Lately though, dad has been calling weekly. Yesterday he called me twice, and talked for over 30 minutes each time, about my life, what I'm doing, and was just normal again with me. He asked about my band, and was telling me about some nicer places to play. He even told me that he really wants to buy me a brand new Gibson guitar to gig with!!! This was a huge shocker, none of my parents have ever even purchased even a set of strings for me. He told me how proud of me he was for being a great musician, etc. This was his 10th call or so in the last couple weeks.
I love talking to him, as he raised me and all, but its just so strange, after being cut off almost completely. I also question if there is some sort of alterior motive. I miss him like crazy, and want him to be part of my life. Because I know in the next few years I'll probably be getting married, having children, etc. and I want him to be part of that. I really hope this is an honest attempt at a relationship, but I have a bad feeling there is something more to this that I'm not seeing.