...that term anymore, so are not Disfellowshipped any more, but just no longer a witness, what is that? I wonder what word it will become to describe these ones and the action taken? We don't have one yet, but most dubs I know are still saying "he's disfellowshiped" oooo scary. And if those who are out are just "no longer a witness" does that open the door for more association, like with normal family, friends, workmates? We used to have WT's article like "How Should We Treat Disfellowshipped Family Members." But I have not seen any (cause I hardly ever read one) in recent years. What would they call a DF'd person now, that differentiates them from just a good ol worldling??..................................................oompa
NOW what do we called Disfellowshiped ones?? Since we don't use ....
by oompa 21 Replies latest jw friends
I will personally call them by name if I ever see one I know. Or "one of the gang" could apply also. Or my fave, "sugar". Anything that doesn't remind me of JWdom.
I understand your point, but you still have been going to meetings. You know that everyone
who is "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" is considered disfellowshipped. There were
some recent articles on them. I don't know, but I believe the "disassociated" term is generally
dropped. They make no difference now, anyway.The average JW doesn't even understand the term. It's just demonized. "He's disfellowshipped."
"Well that means he is an unrepentant sinner who should be totally avoided, not even greeted."A slightly more enlightened JW will say, "I should not even eat with such a man."
A much more enlightened JW will say, "I will not talk more than necessary with him, and I will
not listen to his thoughts on religion or the JW's."Very few of them think of the word, "shun" and would actually deny doing such because they
don't understand "disfellowshipping." "Excommunication" would be a similar word they don't
understand. Breaking the term down, the JW assumes that disfellowshipping is when there
can no longer be any fellowship. They automatically assume the worst. -
I will personally call them by name if I ever see one I know.
That's what I do too.
maybe they will start callign them by the definitions. "Never was a jw" or "no longer a jw" Or as I would say "Smart" and "Got Smart"
What's this???
Is the term "disfellowshipped" (etc) no longer the terminology?
If so, what about "disassociated" (etc)?
Someone catch me up. Is this a new JW OFFICIAL edict?
....i think Jesus would call them "my sheep". carmel
The elders still use the terms "disfellowship" and "disassociate," but now the announcement is generic, and just says "that So-and-So is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." This is primarily to avoid litigation problems.
So the congregation doesn't really know which it is, until a gossipy elder or elderette spills the beans. Maybe they should now be referred to as "Nolongers?"
What's this???
Is the term "disfellowshipped" (etc) no longer the terminology?
If so, what about "disassociated" (etc)?
You are correct about the term disfellowshipped being used, and they do not even use the term when announcing that someone has been bad bad naughty not nice. They just say the person "is not longer one of Jehovahs Witnesses" which would really make him just like a man of the nations or "worldly" and we (JW) could do just about anything with them. Even if the person writes a letter stating they disassociating themselves, the letter is read the same, so no one would even know you quit on purpose. This has been going on for I guess 4 or 5 years now.
Since I am still not either, when I said WE in the subject line, I meant what do dubs now start calling such ones. I'm still a newbie here, and am still not used to calling myself a lowlifefrikkinapostate.........................................oompa