The WTS never really mentioned what it was. |
What was the unforgivable sin supposed to be?
by White Dove 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
White Dove
In our family the two unforgivable sins were:
1) Being born,
2) Getting baptized by JWs. -
I don't have the CD handy but I believe the unforgivable sin had to do with ignoring the one towel rule at assemblies.
Rub a Dub
Sinning against the holy spirit
The WTS teaches that the holy spirit only works through their organization, so disobeying anything they say or teach would be considered sinning against the holy spirit.
Remember the holy spirit has told them that the end would come in 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975, (1984), (1994), very soon now.
Remember the holy spirit told them that the superior authorities were secular goverments from 1879 to 1929, God and Jesus from 1929 to 1962, and secular governments from 1962 to now.
I don't think the holy spirit is working, talking through them, or they are not listening.
The unforgivable sin, Biblically speaking, is anything that constitutes a sin against the holy spirit. But, like you say, there is no clear definition of what constitutes such a sin.
Therefore, as far as I've seen it said, the only unforgivable sin is one for which a person does not seek forgiveness. For example:
*** g94 11/8 p. 19 Have I Committed the Unforgivable Sin? ***
The fact that you feel hurt and distressed over your misconduct, however, indicates that you have not committed an unforgivable sin.
I never understood the concept of unforgivable sin even with Blondie's very clear explanation. Supposedly if you commit an unforgivable sin and get DF'd you never get reinstated and there is no hope for you. But most of the people that get DF'd sin against the holy spirit and 6 months later they get reinstated. So how do they determine if the sin is unforgivable?
I always thought sinning against the holy spirit (as JWs see it) was if you not only became apostate, but additionally "turned against" your 'brothers' and picketed, or published material against the WBTS etc. Like Raymond Franz for instance.
*** w83 10/15 p. 24 par. 10 Reject Worldly Desires! ***If left unchecked, worldly desires can cause us to grieve God’s holy spirit by disregarding it, taking a course contrary to its leading and setting our heart on objectives other than those toward which the spirit would impel us. "Grieving God’s holy spirit" also means rejecting his Word. (Ephesians 4:30; compare Acts 7:51-53.) This can lead to deliberate rebellion against the evident manifestation of Jehovah’s spirit and can mean blasphemy against that spirit, an unforgivable sin. (Matthew 12:31, 32; Mark 3:29; compare Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26-31.) So may we never start down the path of independence and indulgence in worldly practices from which we once were rescued through Jehovah’s undeserved kindness. Instead, let us pray for the holy spirit and yield to its influence, which will help us to resist the world and its enticements.—Psalm 143:10; Luke 11:13.
*** w55 5/15 p. 306 par. 20 Jehovah’s Channel of Communication ***Eve was gullible, was deceived and committed an unforgivable sin of high treason against her true Sovereign, Jehovah God.
*** cl (draw close to Jehovah--2002) chap. 3 p. 31 par. 14 "Holy, Holy, Holy Is Jehovah" ***Blaspheming the holy spirit, which involves deliberately working against Jehovah’s purposes, constitutes an unforgivable sin.—Mark 3:29.
*** w92 9/15 p. 9 par. 6 Jehovah Forgives in a Large Way ***Only God knows if a person has committed the unforgivable sin.