...oral sex.... Then refusing to share the details with the JC. carmel
What was the unforgivable sin supposed to be?
by White Dove 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They intentionally left the definition of sin against the holy spirit vague so that people would be afraid that anything that is not in line with the Watchtower Society could just well be it. And they say that any willful and intentional sin, after realizing what it is, could well amount to it. Of course, that view is very wrong and leads to unnecessary fear.
The true sin against the holy spirit is allowing oneself to have the illusions of the religion busted up, or helping bust such illusion for someone else. Why? You could do fornication and still believe it is wrong. You could even volitionally do something, and think it is horrible. Note that, they have been known to say that if you feel guilty about it, you probably haven't sinned against the holy spirit (and note the probably, since they always like leaving people uncertain).
However, once you know for a fact that it is them that is wrong, there is no way you are ever going to be fooled again. Once you learn the real truth, the illusion is busted. Now, they can say that fornication is wrong all they want and it comes on as a blatant lie. They can tell you that celebrating Christmas is wrong, and all you do is read in the Bible, unbiased, where Christmas was celebrated in heaven without problems, among perfect angels. Statistics have shown that very few people ever go back to believing the lies once awakened to the real truth. I read that it is somewhere like one in a thousand that have been out for 5 years ever goes back: that is 50 times rarer per 100,000 people involved than people losing weight by diet alone and keeping it off! No wonder they call that sinning against the holy spirit!
Sin against the holy spirit is really nothing more than finding out that the holy spirit is nothing more than a scam designed to make you feel bad about harmless activity on your part. Once you do that, you are no longer going to feel guilty about such sins. That does not mean that such person is evil. It only means that Jehovah will never again be able to control that person. Such person could in fact be prone to doing much good in society, and generally act in his best interest and that of society. However, the person will not be tricked into sacrificing to some higher cause or doing something bad (or forgoing doing something that is not bad) because of religion. Certainly nothing to dread.
I always thought the unforgivaeable sin was apostacy. At least that was my understanding when I was in. But as far as an unforgiveable sin no one knows who has commited an unforgiveable sin because they have the chance to repent before Armageddon. So only Jah can say someone has sinned against the holy spirit I guess at the day of judgement. But that's all according to jw doctrine, not my own thoughts btw.
Mark 3:29 - But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.(NIV) (Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is also referenced in Matthew 12:31-32 and Luke 12:10).
According to Merriam - Webster dictionary the word "blasphemy" means "the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God;the act of claiming the attributes of deity; irreverence toward something considered sacred."
To me, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is when a$$% form a judicial committee and presume to know what God thinks of someone else. It is double blasphemy to execute judgement on a person and claim you are doing it by Jehovah's authority.
white dove..........
not getting with big d
big d
i remember what i was told ; "well he turned against Jehovah (organisation) and he'll die at armagedon"................"the bible speaks about sinning against the Holy Spirit"
i remember i was once told/overheard a brother that turned apostate had written letters to all JW of the congregation and; "not to read the lies against Jehovah's people" and then have it justified and feel comfortable with "he is going to die at armagedon" made us all feel safe
Ketchup on a Chicago style hotdog.
They may let you in on it when you are way down the road believing much else you are taught. That is a scam since it is so fundamental. To suggest you can do something for which there is no forgiveness which is a personal rejection of the holy spirits loving kindness shown only to you through them.
It's a way of tieing a believer into psychological knots. Making you feel all your questions and doubts could be regarded as the unforgiveable sin. So your half belief and spirituality is in a head lock. You cant any longer let yourself wonder about the God of Joshua killing man, woman, child, babies and animals till gone at Jericho, and try to make sense it is the same God protecting sinners and saying 'all who fight by the sword will perish by it.
And you stop letting yourself see how the Bible is so full of utter contradiction that it will put any human imprinted to believe it in a prison of mind with an opposite to every argument amongst its pages, just so that you do not stray into the unknown territory of not knowing whether or not you have unwittingly in your heart comitted the unforgiveable sin.
Mind control is indeed cruel and others seeing doubt in you will treat you with confirmation of those doubts.
It is a loveless mindset toward freethinking minds of faith that I have no affinity to, albeit decades later and past the best years of those granted me. .
Not listening to the teacher !!!! who in scripture is the HOLY SPIIRIT >>>>>NOT the WT
In context, I'd come to the conclusion that the "unforgivable sin" is to claim a work of God as from the devil. (Matthew 12:24).