1 - No. 2 - In good standing. At home, not very theocratic. 3 - Atheist
I have a theory. Please take my poll!
by changeling 140 Replies latest jw friends
1 - yes 2 - very 3 - atheist
1. Yes
2. More so when I was younger, so-so as the children got older.
3. Spiritual, not religious / Still in the Christian mind-set.
So is it time to add up the results? I would like to know the statistics.
Well guys: I added up the results after 90 posts and now we are up to 134. Just glancing at them tells me my theory holds water, at least in our little JWD world.
If you were raised "in", especially in a "theocratic" family, chances are you'll end up an unbeliever.
Take a count yourselves if you do not believe me.
PS Results are on page 5
1- no
2- no not applicable
3- undecided
1. Yes.
2. Very theocratic.
3. Buddhist and have been for over five years.
1. yes
2. Theocratic but not fanatically so
3 Christian...but I don't believe I have to belong to a Church to have a relationship with God.
1- Were you raised a witness or not? -------sadly, yes....4th gen
2-If you were, was your family very "theocratic" or not so much?-----------------------------big fat theocratic family
3- Where do you stand on religion now? Christian, pagan, atheist/agnostic, undecided---------------------agnostic already.........oompa
OK on with the answers!
1- No
2- N/A
3- Well I am not religious. I follow the Bible and "religion" is mentioned only 6 times. "Faith" is mentioned 422 times and my faith is solely in Jesus, not in any religion. I am a born again Christian, just as Jesus told Nicodemus to be.
Sorry 3 isn't a simple answer but I hope the explanation helps.
All the best,