More than just two Birthdays in the Bible!

by nicolaou 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    The Society, in defence of their stand against birthday celebrations, often state that the only two birthdays mentioned in the Bible were of ungodly people and that harm resulted both times.

    However, depending on which translation you use, there are at least five birthdays mentioned in the Bible and, interestingly, these additional ones are all of Jehovah's servants!

    Even the New World translation has a third Birthday celebration that Jw's rarely, if ever, speak about.

    Please note that not all translations are accepted as 100% accurate by Jw's and that I myself am not completely sure that these extra birthdays are truly what they seem - I simply state that they they are recorded there as birthday celebrations.


    Can you name and quote chapter and verse for these extra Birthday celebrations?

  • rem

    I'm thinking of Job 1:4 & 5 (NASB)

    [4] His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. [5] When the days of feasting had completed their cycle, Job would send and consecrate them, rising up early in the morning and offering burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, "Perhaps my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts." Thus Job did continually.

    Some understand the feasting, "each one on his day", to mean Job's children were celebrating their birthdays.


    'A scientific opinion is one which there is some reason to believe is true; an unscientific opinion is one which is held for some reason other than its probable truth.' - Bertrand Russell

  • Ranchette

    Job 1:4
    Every year when Job's sons had birthdays,they invited their brothers and sisters to join them for a celebration.On these occasions they would get together and eat and drink.

    New Living Translation


  • nicolaou

    Jobs' kids, Pharaoh & Herod.

    Two more!


  • Ranchette

    What about when gifts were brought right after Jesus was born?
    I don't believe those gifts were rejected.
    They were in honor of his birth.
    I'm eating supper now and can't look it up now.


  • why144000

    *** Rbi8 Job 1:4 ***
    And his sons went and held a banquet at the house of each one on his own day; and they sent and invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

    To give more credence to the thought that Jobs’ sons were celebrating their birthday we can look at Job 3:1-3

    *** Rbi8 Job 3:1-3 ***
    3 It was after this that Job opened his mouth and began to call down evil upon his day. 2 Job now answered and said:
    3 “Let the day perish on which I came to be born,
    Also the night that someone said, ‘An able-bodied man has been conceived!’

    His sons held a banquet ‘each one on his own day’. Job ‘began to call down evil upon his day’. What day? ‘Let the day perish on which I was born’.

    It is hard to argue against the fact that Job allowed his children to celebrate their birthdays.

  • patio34

    Okay, Nicolaoau, I give up and sure as shootin' don't want to do any Bible research! Please give us the other two instances of birthdays!


  • blondie

    I think that the astrologers showed up about when Jesus was 2 years old and his family was living in a house. That is why Herod had the children from 2 years and under killed in Bethlehem. They were brought as gifts to honor the new king they felt the star had predicted.

    Matthew 2 (NIV)
    After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi[1] from the east came to Jerusalem
    and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east[2] and have come to worship him."
    On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

  • cort24r

    I know there are those who try to say in the book of Job that his children had a birthday. But the scriptures do
    not say they were a birthday. The Bible does call it a feast that went on of days. They try to say it is a birthday
    because it use the phrase "his day". Which could mean his birthday, but it could also mean a set day each of
    his children have chose to have a feast. There is no proof that his was a birthday, but I rather go by what the
    Bible call it a feast not a birthday. What are the other two birthday you say are in the scriptures? Thank you,
    and you have a good day and I mean all day. .

  • nicolaou

    Ranchette and Blondie have picked out the most significant birthday celebration of them all, that of Jesus Christ himself. It's right there in the NWT - funny how most dubs just can't see it.

    Okay the final one................


    Hosea 7:5 in some translations refers to the Birthday celebration of an Israelite King. Of course you won't find that in the NWT but the 'Living Bible' translates it this way:

    "On the king's birthday, the princes get him drunk; he makes a fool of himself and drinks with those who mock him".



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