Pro Trinity

by David Macabee 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • glenster

    David: I think you'd want to go over what both sides say for all the verses,
    and about related history, to cover it. You're right about the mainstream view
    having the stronger case for what was originally intended for a conservative be-
    lief in it, but I wouldn't expect to prove it against the JWs leaders' view to
    someone who's informed on the comparison from the JWs leaders' presentation with
    a few verses since the JWs leaders' have cooked up the case for their stance,
    like they do for their other dozen or whatever distinctive stances, with misuse
    of research material to create a false impression of support, forced points, and
    omission of pertinent evidence.

    If it's the JWs leaders' version, which is pretty cooked up (verses allegedly
    prove their stance that don't, figures of later early history alleged to have
    JWs leaders' views, which is like saying Farrakhan is a rabbi, etc.), you're
    comparing to the mainstream view, what I have on that's on pp.4 and 7 to 10 at
    either of the next links.

  • 5go

    In order for there to be a trinity there most be three gods name them then.

  • 5go

    Why is it when some tries to explain the trinity I think of King Gidorah

  • glenster
  • dogisgod

    Sad emo, Great posting!!!!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Thanks dogisgood.

    It's a pity he never came back to answer isn't it? I suppose there's still time though!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    uall scared him off ... we lost a sheep ... repent!

  • aniron
    In order for there to be a trinity there most be three gods name them then.

    As any Christian knows there is only one God.

  • glenster

    I try to see things from the different angles and have a sense of humor, too.
    With respect to the original poster, though, the subject pertinent to the com-
    parison of a couple of views on Jesus (of the mainstream and the JWs leaders) is
    that the mainstream view of Father and Son shows a different view of monism, not
    a rejection of monotheism (mainly p.7 of what I have about it so far).

    Regarding monotheism, an important focus to have with that comparison of views
    about Jesus is that worship and prayer and the Shema were three of the ways
    worshippers in 1st cent. Judaism indicated worship of God from surrounding God
    and gods beliefs, and distinct about what followers of Jesus showed about their
    belief in Jesus. The mainstream view doesn't advance polytheism--the shoe of
    that problem, considered in the original cultural context, belongs, with a batch
    of other problems, on the other foot.

  • 5go
    As any Christian knows there is only one God.

    Then what is the devil ?

    What are angels, and demons?

    Of course minors gods, so there is more than one god according to christian theology. Which bring us to another topic why do christans claim to be monotheist. Chirstian never have been, only certain sects of Judaism and some other minor religions have been truly monotheistic with no minor gods to help, or plot against the only god.

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