Merry Christmas

by Hortensia 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthsetsonefree

    Merry Christmas everyone. Gosh it feels so good to write that.


  • nicolaou
    Merry Christmas everyone. Gosh it feels so good to write that.

    WHY?! Jesus Christ! I didn't believe xmas as a dub so now I'm out I'm automatically gonna get the cute 'n' snuggly xmas bug? Sod that.

  • ferret

    Merry Christmas: Hortensia and to all the other wonderful people on JWD

  • Mary

    Merry Christmas to everyone on JWD!!

  • NanaR

    Merry Christmas to you, Hortensia!!

    And a Happy New Year ;-)


  • inbyathread

    Having changed jobs to the retail industry, I have been thrust into seeing at times the greed at which people purchase items as well as the faces of little ones as they see an unexpected gift.

    As an Ex-JW, I also can observe the reactions of 'so called' active Witnesses when they go through the check-out line. How depressing they are. It is as if they turn off any sense of emotion during their shopping. Failing to acknowledge any form of appreciation for their presence in the store. What bah humbug people they really are.

    For the first time in twenty some years, I sang in a church choir for the Christmas eve service. I wanted to do it. I enjoyed it.

    With that, as we celebrate the anniversary of our Savior's birth. I and my family extend warm wishes to all here and hope that your Christmas is as happy as you expected it to be.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Amen to that inbyathread. I celebrated Xmas last night (I am at work today) with my daughter and girlfriend not because of what others may or may not do and think at this time. I celebrate my friends, family, and indeed all of mankind, even the sad folks who have a hard time being happy or bringing happiness to others. Hopefully they will change. I celebrate Christianity because of what it can be if practiced with love. I celebrate the wisdom of taking a set time to express love and affection for others. I celebrate the wisdom of taking a set time to reflect on one's life course and hopefully plan to make improvements. As dubs we were taught that if we couldn't pioneer we could at least have the pioneer spirit. I here celebrate the Xmas spirit even if Xmas is not always what it could or should be for everyone. I celebrate the Xmas spirit.


  • free2think

    Merry Christmas everyone.

  • erynw
  • Abandoned

    Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

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