Climate Change. Yes the science is settled.

by mavie 137 Replies latest social current

  • uninformed


    I read where a 100 mile by 100 mile square area in the US desert could provide all the necessary energy for the entire country.

    Why don't they start on it?

    I am sure you have seen the different comparisons on the Al Gore mansion and the western White House of Bush???

    How Al Gore can carry this torch is evidence to me that this is simply a political issue that is being used against business and the US economy.

    Keep up the good work.


  • BurnTheShips
    Did you know that in a square 3 feet by 3 feet in direct sunlight that the sun provides 55 horsepower!!!???

    I really doubt that is true! But lets do a quick back of the envelope calculation shall we?

    Under optimal conditions, at noon in clear weather, there might be as many as 340 BTU/HR of energy striking a single square foot.

    The ratio of BTU/HRs to watts is 0.2930711

    So 340*0.2930711=99.6

    Lets be generous and round up to 100 watts!

    A 3x3 square is 9 square feet. So that is 900 watts.

    1 horsepower = 745.7 watts

    So that 3x3 square is approximately 1.2 horspower.

    However! We are talking about raw solar energy that has to be converted to electricity. The most common method is by photovoltaics!

    Commercially available photovoltaic cells are 9-14 percent efficient. But lets be generous and say 20%.

    That gives us a whopping .24 horspower. At noon. On a clear day. The rest of the day period would average far lower and at night there would be no energy production.

    It is a lot less than you thought, isn't it?


  • BurnTheShips
    I read where a 100 mile by 100 mile square area in the US desert could provide all the necessary energy for the entire country.

    Without even calculating what that square would produce there is the issue of transporting that electricy to the other end of the country. Power losses due to long distance transmission would be massive.

  • owenfieldreams

    If global warming is really as bad as the liberals suggest, then there is nothing we can do to prevent the consequences of it and we are past the point of no return, so no matter what human activity takes place the earth is doomed! Funny, though, how many of the same people in the mid '70's were predicting a " freeze" and the planet entering another "ice age".....

  • BrentR

    Don't forget the giant ozone hole that was supposed to kill off all life on the planet. Boy they wore that one out fast, onto another pop culture doomsday trend.

  • mavie

    Brent, the adoption of the Montreal Protocol led to phasing out of substances responsible for ozone depletion. Since the adoption of the protocol these substances have leveled off and are beginning to decline in the atmosphere. Current projections indicate a recovery of ozone in the atmosphere to 1980 levels by 2050-2070.

    The international community did the science, identified a solution, and now we are seeing the positive results.

    It wasn't a hoax.

  • FreeWilly
    I read where a 100 mile by 100 mile square area in the US desert could provide all the necessary energy for the entire country.

    Wishful thinking.

    The most advanced and largest Solar installation in the world is in the Mojave Desert. (SEGS). It covers 1600 acres (2.5 sq mi) and has a peak output of 324 Mw. For comparison, the state of California averages ~40,000Mw of electricity each day.

    So, if the facility size were expanded by 150x (375 sq miles or 240,000 acres) you would begin to supply the State of California on a given day during peak conditions (4 hrs a day).

    Despite this massive array you would still need 100% backup capacity (i.e. backup power plants) to supplement for non peak times of the day - morning, evening & nightime.

    Consider too the environmental implications of such an enormouse land area occupied by an industrial complex.

    Additionally the manufacturing process uses heavy metals and nasty chemicals and requires a large energy input.

    There's a reason that Solar generated electricity is not more widely used. It must be heavily subsidized to approach affordability. Even then, what exactly are you gaining?

  • uninformed

    100 miles by 100 miles is ten thousand, 10,000 square miles.

    Delivery would be a real problem, but what if they had 500 or 1000 of these at 10 to 20 square miles?

    All forms of energy are going to present problems that will have to be lived with or overcome. Same with oil and nucleur.

    Well all we can do is talk.


  • coffee_black


    Here's a list of of warning signs of abusive religions from another thread.... Comments in yellow following each are mine, and address how it applies, in my opinion to the global warming religion. By the way, did you read the email I received from Professor Lintzen in response to my question? I will copy the pertinant part after the following list....he sums it up quite well.

    By Rick Ross, Expert Consultant and Intervention Specialist

    Ten warning signs of a potentially unsafe group/leader.

    1 Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability. "The science is settled." Don't question the "consensus" (which in reality doesn't exist.)

    2 No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry. Anyone questioning the "consensus" either has wrong motives or is a moron

    3 No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement. Many to profit from this issue. follow the money...for example the carbon credits fiasco

    4 Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions. Self explanatory

    5 There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil. Anyone who disagrees is a moron or evil

    6 Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances. Any scientist who disagrees with the "consensus" is vilified, minimalized and discredited by the believers, similar to being shunned by jws

    7 There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader. Al Gore has been exposed..Here's just one site...there are hundreds

    8 Followers feel they can never be "good enough". Must attempt to reduce carbon footprint. You can never reduce it enough.

    9 The group/leader is always right. ie: Al Gore is deified by many. Anything that exposes him has to be wrong. He is the governing body of the global warming religion

    10 The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible Only the scientists that agree with the global warming religious dogma should be listened to. You must not pay attention to anyone who disagrees. They are not really scientists if they disagree. Similar to being a jw and being told that other Christians are not really Christians because they don't swallow the watchtower dogma


    At the very least, the leaders of the global warming frenzy are using cultic tactics to get unsuspecting, well meaning people to follow the yellow brick road.

    Here are Professor Lindzen's comments again from the email I received from him yesterday. As you can see, he points out some of the same issues.


    "With respect to environmental issues in general and global warming in particular, the transition to religion takes place when a person who is ignorant of the actual science not only believes alarming claims that he or she does not understand, but when that individual wants to believe these claims. The question then arises as to why someone would want to believe such claims. For some, it would appear that the answer is that they have been assured that all scientists agree with such claims. The very thought that all scientists in an immature science like climate all agree on anything (much less with all the numerous unrelated claims) is beyond belief. Nevertheless, for individuals who feel at sea when confronting science that they don't understand at all, it must be reassuring to think that by consenting to the line on global warming, they are safe because all scientists agree. Indeed, they immediately feel intellectually superior to all those who question the claims of global warming. In addition, people are told (quite falsely) that simple gestures like switching to fluorescent bulbs are tantamount to saving the earth. This brings god-like significance to otherwise ordinary lives. The combination of god-like significance attaching to trivial gestures and the feeling of superiority to others is quite a powerful combination. It further offers the opportunity and pleasure of condemning others, and forcing them to change their ways. By this time, one is well on one's way to a cult. For Hollywood types, moreover, belief in global warming offers redemption for dissolute and extravagant life styles."


    Add to this the fact that we as jws always had the threat of armageddon coming any minute, and that state of mind became normal to us. It is my opinion that many have replaced the witness doom and gloom mentality with a secular doom and gloom mentality... actually taking perverse joy in believing that there will be a catastrophe coming...whether it's financial, political, climatalogical or otherwise. They also look at non believers in global warming in the same condescending way as we as jws viewed "worldly" people. It is my opinion that this is a direct carry over from our jw thinking.

    I am surprised that no one commented on Professor Lindzen's reply. I am impressed that someone of Professor Lindzen's credentials would take the time to respond so quickly to an email asking for his input. I half expected someone to question whether or not the email was genuine. In case anyone has doubts in that regard, you can pm me with your email address and I will forward the email to you.

    I do believe that there is such a thing as global warming. I do not believe it is manmade, nor do I believe that it is as dire as it is portrayed. Do you honestly think that a planet this size will have a perfectly consistent temperature? That flies in the face of reason. Take your own temperature every 15 minutes over the course of a day. You will find that your temperature is not perfectly consistent. The same is true of our planet with millions of variables going on second to second. This earth has gone through heating and cooling cycles for its' entire exitence. It has undergone huge climactic changes long before mans' existance. Some of the same scientists who tout global warming today had many convinced in the 70s that we were about to enter an ice age. I'm not so gullible any more. That does not mean that I think we should pollute the planet. I think we all need to do what we can to stop ruining the earth. We do not need to become extremists to do so. Armageddon in NOT just around the corner.

    There are many poised to profit from a gullible public.


  • coffee_black

    Wow... the silence is deafening! Where are all the global warming apologists? Here's a little more to chew on from the founder of the Weather channel. Here's hoping the links work.


    Sunday, November 11, 2007

    Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Update by Joe D’Aleo, Icecap
    Thursday, November 15, John Coleman, the founder of the cable TV Weather Channel and currently TV meteorologist in San Diego at KUSI began a series of short briefs trying to explain in simplified terms for the layman why he does not believe in global greenhouse warming on his KUSI climate blog.

    Below was his original statement that got much national attention. KUSI and Icecap received hundreds of emails, better than 90% favorable, thanking John for his courage in speaking out on this issue and thanking KUSI and Icecap for covering the news the networks won’t cover. There were of course some negative responses mostly ad hominem attacks questioning motivation as is typical in this issue. Some requested John follow up with some concrete facts in understandable terms and he will begin to do that. The first brief on that link will address the ‘hockey stick”.

    By John Coleman

    It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus. Read the rest of the original blog here.


    Posted on 11/11 at 09:56 AM
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