Personally, when given the mags, I have to take it carefully when reading them, and only a bit at a time, as they tend to raise the same fears that they did for the first forty years of my life.
I then, go through what I have read in my own mind, while doing other things, and slowly disentangle the ideas they have given me and deprogramme myself. Every time I do that, it is like hanging on to a cliff edge and a struggle to get back to the top of the cliff. Thing is, I know what they are doing, what they are saying, and more importantly why....because they want...for free, my money and my life! They won't have any of those things again.
But that doesn't mean I don't keep reading and analysing them and criticising them in my own mind!
I hate the damned things! I hate what they have done to my family and other people!
But, ironically, they also make me laugh! I laugh mainly at how stupid I was when I believed and trusted them. Sadly, it also makes the not so pleasant side of my character laugh at those still trapped in the cult.....not a lot.....but just enough to help me keep my own balance!
So, whoever said 'they're just mags'? They are a 'brain blender' on paper! Read them with trepidation and caution just as if you were holding a deadly viper in your hands! Never trust ANYTHING that they say and more importantly.....never recycle them....always shred and trash when you have finished with them. They are more dangerous than radioactive waste!