"Mind" Blowing Article on Watchtower Indoctrination! MUST READ!

by What-A-Coincidence 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • davegod

    There is an another organization that resembles this. It also uses an central figure, everyone uses the same literature emenating from one location. While the central figure dictates one thing an reader narrates from the text. This is often followed by an question and answer session. It's called the public school system. This is basic education in play. Peer pressure is also everywhere. Do JW's teach the truth? Of course not. The school's often do not as well. Revisionist history is also an lie, yet taught as fact. Nothing as of yet is fully understood or will be. What does one do? Learn! All you can! Then make your own reasonable and educated decision. Topics such as this are good, they get people thinking.

    I grew up in this religion. Finding some hidden agenda to justify your leaving is pointless. Sure it will make it easier to explain to family that are pressuring you. The thing is, it is pointless. My epiphany occured several years after leaving. The internet did not exist and there was not an convenient source for info such as this. Anywho, while in DC we went to the Smithsonian. After many years of being drilled with lies regarding the fossil record, there it was. Truth! You see, for my entire youth I was told that they only had bit's and pieces of bones. I remember hearing/reading how they took jaw bones and fake skulls to create the caveman. From that they fabricated the fossil record and of course evolution. Bullshit! As I walked around the corner at the Smith, I came upon this booth. It was the size of an two car garage. The woman sitting inside had before her an pile. No, an massive pile, of skulls. Hundreds of them. The part that hit me so hard was that most were missing the jaw. The skulls themselves were either complete or close enough. For years until this point I had conceded, deep down, my life was an waste. I could not live in that religion. At the same time I would one day die, as I knew the truth, yet chose to not live by it. On that day I started my real journey to truth! I hope those that are struggling can find the same.

    All that said. Several more years later, reality. Even though I no longer believed in god. Even though I viewed religion and the bible as an joke. I stood on an balcony praying, why!!!!! Why? I really don't know. Best I can figure is that I relapsed into something that was drilled into me as well as covering my bases. You see, after close to an month of hospitalization, my mother was dieing. An blood transfusion would save her. In spite of all the crap the society tells you about blood alternatives, the Dr's would not touch her without blood. Two hospital's and several Dr's. No blood, no surgery. I chose to respect her wishes. She died. That was ten years ago, I think respecting her wish was the best choice for her. Getting the surgery would have been best for me. You can only make decisions with the information that you have at the time. Make the best of it and learn as much as you can.

  • LadyCCC

    Iam new here and recently disfellowshipped. I really want to believe the hypnosis stuff but It is hard for me to digest. It sounds farfetched to me. I really would like to know if there is someone out there who has something more concrete to prove this may be true.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Steve Hassan's books on cult mind control are highly rated. Check those.

  • yesidid
    It sounds farfetched to me.

    That's because it is.

    It is the figment of a very fertile imagination.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Noel Batten is a wackadoo and con artist"

    Crappola ! ! ! Does this mean Jehovah's Witnesses really are the Truth ? ! ? ! ?

    Calm down, just kidding. Sometimes a wackadoo can do a good job in recognizing other wackadoos. Whatever. Just beware that the GB may start implementing some of Noel's wacky hypno-mumbo-jumbo (I've always had my suspicions about the microphone handlers). And in conclusion, I'd just like to add...



    W-A-C, Noel Batten, and I are all glad that you've joined us at JWD !

  • betterdaze

    W-A-C, please get real. I never called anyone stupid. I simply asked if people here were still gullible.

    Who's afraid to post/reply? They can check the source as easily as I did, by clicking on the link you provided.

    Batten has bunches of dangerous quack medical websites out there, one for every disease he claims to "cure." Yet he has no
    medical background whatsoever and whiningly admits such in his FAQ. Ignore those eeevile doctors, they're no good!

    Where have we heard that before? Hmmmmm?

    His history with the Witnesses is speculative at best, perhaps even predatory. He has an axe to grind as a Fundy. There are no
    clinical studies to back up his claims, because he's not legitimate to begin with.

    Look, I know and accept it's a mind-control cult. Brainwashing is a big part of it, hence the "daze" in my own screen name.

    But this particular source, Batten, is cult-starter himself and is definitely *not* a reliable researcher.

    That's all I was trying to say.

    So call me a big meany — or worse — I still have family "in" who get duped by the "facts" in the publications and yeah, it's my job
    to set them straight by pointing out the warped and misquoted sources that the GB demand they must believe. I don't give a darn
    how many men on this site served as elders or toiled at Bethel, I will never be intimidated for checking out the facts. EVER.

    This is how I escaped baptism, and choose to help others do likewise.

    davegod said: Topics such as this are good, they get people thinking.

    Exactly! Or I wouldn't have posted on it. And taken the time and effort to reply again.

    Best regards,


  • DaCheech

    I don't believe this hypnosis stuff, but there is something about the JW scare tactics that making alot of them full of mental illness and phobias

  • jgnat

    Hypnosis is an over-generalization. I also don't like the great leap of logic that Rutherford intentionally applied hypnosis techniques to the organization.

    My personal theory is that the Watchtower Society stumbled on a tried-and-true formula and won't vary from it. It works, they don't know why, but they'll stick to it. There are mind-control techniques in play but several factors are at work, not just "hypnosis".

    By the specific direction the society gives to the congregations, we know that several things will break their hold on members. This includes extended absence from the meetings and critical thinking skills (at college).

  • darth frosty
  • jambon1

    The negative aspect of their teaching is what prompted me, having been out of the org for 4 years, to stop my children from attending the meetings with my wife. The inability to think positively & their absolute determination to make people feel paranoid & insecure became manifest in the thinking & attitude of my 7 year old. I saw it happening before my very eyes. The WTS are to blame however parents have the responsibility to protect their children. Unfortunately, it is only when one becomes detatched from the constant brainwashing that a parent can rationalise this & actually see what is happening to their childs mind.

    I will write more about this issue later because it is absolutely mind bloing what happened to my daughter & how it all came to light.

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