Is it true that in America there is no paid maternity leave?
If so surely that means most people have to return to work pretty quick after they have had a baby? If thats true, then surely that means its not possible to breast feed your baby exclusively for any time at all?
Can anyone confirm if my thinking is right or not. Because if it is true, I find it a horrifying prospect that a whole nation of babies cant be breastfed because of the policies of companies. Thats just awful! Wicked and cynical that the natural needs of babies are denied due to corporate fiscal policy.
I have 7 paid months off work (not full pay, but even at its lowest, I get Statutary Maternity Pay (SMP) at a rate of £104 a week). This means that I can breastfeed exclusively for at least 6 months and give my baby the absolute best start in life.