Question about maternity leave

by katiekitten 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • worldtraveller

    Hello "there are four lights". Welcome to the forum. Is your handle anything to do with that particular episode of Star Trek where Picard was being interrogated? Excellent episode, btw.

  • avishai

    When my daughter was born, I was able to take unpaid Paternity leave, without fear of sanctions @ work. I think I was the first in the company to do it....

    Now guys get state paid paternity leave, did'nt then.

  • sammielee24

    Mary - for your interest here is the US federal tax guidelines -

    Marginal Tax RateSingleMarried Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er)Married Filing SeparatelyHead of Household
    10%$0 – $7,825$0 – $15,650$0 – $7,825$0 – $11,200
    15%$7,826 – $31,850$15,651 – $63,700$7,826 – $31,850$11,201 – $42,650
    25%$31,851 – $77,100$63,701 – $128,500$31,851 – $64,250$42,651 – $110,100
    28%$77,101 – $160,850$128,501 – $195,850$64,251 – $97,925$110,101 – $178,350
    33%$160,851 – $349,700$195,851 – $349,700$97,926 – $174,850$178,351 – $349,700

    People here also pay FICA, State taxes and County taxes if applicable. People here pay more in taxes and get nothing than they even realize and to make matters worse, if they would just do the math and step aside from the brainwashing their governments have stuffed them full of, they would understand that the system they have now is far more expensive in the long run already than any single payer system would be. Simply put - 45 million people will go to the emergency room for care at a cost 500% higher than if they had the ability to go to a doctor at the first sign of illness or injury.

    Now - take what you earn per year at your tax rate or better yet, take your net income because with your net income you are not paying for health care services. Take your net income and pretend that you don't have employer health insurance and you have a condition like diabetes or high blood pressure and in order to get health insurance you have to fork over about $1,000 a month out of your net income. That happens to millions of people in the USA - millions - not just a few people Now - pay all the money and then find out that they decide to drop you and you can't get any coverage at all. What do you do? You lose your job - you get sick - in Canada you still go to the doctor - here you don't.

    Insurance companies run the country - your doctor tells you what operation you need but the insurance company tells you wether or not they will pay for it = wether or not you get it. Since when were insurance companies medical practitioners? The people have handed over their lives to an insurance company - it boggles the mind that's for sure.


  • unbeliever

    I took 3 months paid maternity leave. That is not the norm though. I work for a company with awesome benefits.

  • Gill

    Good luck with the breast feeding, Katie!

    I breast fed all five of mine, including very hungry twin boys and don't regret a moment of it!

    I only received maternity pay for two of my pregnancies but as my husband says, (jokingly I HOPE) I have been a 'kept woman' since the birth of our youngest!! (He better be joking!)

    It's very sad to see the USA has such an inadequate care system for its most vulnerable citizens, pregnant women and babies! Shame on the USA's government for that! Might explain the rising obesity rates however if women find it too difficult to breasfeed!

  • there are four lights
    there are four lights

    worldtraveller, Thanks for the welcome. I mostly lurk around for over a year now, but I saw this thread today and decided to comment. And yes, my username comes from that Star Trek episode. I thought it was appropriate.

  • katiekitten
    I breast fed all five of mine, including very hungry twin boys and don't regret a moment of it!

    All respect to you - feeding twins must have been incredibly hard work!

    I must admit I LOVE breastfeeding - its so close and bonding. When he needs to feed I need him to feed as much as he needs it. Its a wonderful thing to be able to do, im sure babies are more contented and calm for it.

    No im not going to stop breastfeeding when I go back to work, but of course he will have to accept a bottle by then, so it wont be exclusive breast feeding.

    Are there laws in the US about not being able to be turned out of restaurants if you are breastfeeding? I think its illegal now in the UK to be asked to go and sit in the toilet or to leave the premises. But I have never had a negative reaction because I have always been so discreet about it.

  • Crafty Lady
    Crafty Lady

    My daughter-in-law had 12 weeks off and will go back January 2. She is nursing the twins and will pump the milk during the day and refrigerate it so the day care can bottle feed it to the twins the next day. She works in a health care office and there are lots of women who pump during the day in their office. Maybe Office Max can add a designer breast pump series to their catalog.


  • there are four lights
    there are four lights

    I'm glad to hear you aren't planning to wean when you go back to work. In the US, the nursing in public laws vary from state to state. Many states have a law stating that a mother can nurse wherever she has a legal right to be. However, the problem is that there are no laws that enforce these laws that simply restate normal human rights, so a company can ask a woman to leave and go sit in the bathroom, and one woman was even recently kicked off a flight for nursing. Most people don't have a problem with it in the state that I live in, but I did get a few dirty looks when I used to nurse in public when my son was a baby. I think it varies from region to region as to how much it is accepted in public.

  • mrsjones5

    I nursed all of my babies (yep all four), if needed, in public and never got a comment about it, was very discreet about it - used a blanket to cover up. I think being a six foot tall, 200 pound black woman perhaps had something to do with it.


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