Are you the one to be trusted 100 percent?

by averyniceguy 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlphaOmega
    I'm with Nathan Natas

    That going to start some rumours Mouthy

  • quietlyleaving

    I tend to weigh things up as I go along and also my being trustworthy and true may not mean the same to you. plus I'm very forgetful, so I guess I'd have to say No I can't be trusted 100 percent and glad to be that way I guess.

  • JK666

    If you have to ask the question in the first place, you do not know me well enough to trust me 100%. My answer shouldn't matter, I could be lying.


  • blueviceroy

    I think need to explain my earlier statement.

    A humans nature is to take. If I am motivated to perform an action I will perform it 100% .

    My motivation may be LOVE , or it may be something else, but I must feel my action will payoff in some way , whether it makes me feel good , satisfies my true nature , or compensates me in some other mundane manner such as money or esteem from my peers.

    My statement was worded very carefully to leave it open for interpretation.

    I never said what my preferred compensation was.

    I am motivated by an inner source that directs every action , thought and intention, If this inner source is in agreement I am worthy of trust .

    I am able to not betray or cause harm because my inner source is in agreement with that .

    We project our own nature into any void that appears, I suspect if anyone found malice or lack of love in my words they may need to do some soul searching of their own rather than make a fruitless attempt of taking the inventory of an individual who has absolutely nothing to do with their existence.

    I will say one thing , everyone who knows me in real trusts me ,(but I could just be trying to scam you )

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I think we've been scammed by averynicguy because he never came back to tell us why he needs us to confess our undying trustworthiness or whatever.

  • averyniceguy

    It is not a scam. All I am asking is to make a phone call in March. Thats it.

  • bluesapphire

    I would be willing to help you if you would be willing to accept my word. I hope whatever it is it is for a good purpose.

  • Bryan

    Dude. I am not calling your Parol Officer and pretend to be your transvestite lover!

    That is just too much!


  • averyniceguy

    LOL at Bryan! I personally do not like gays. I love real women!

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