As much as I hear people say the Muslims are peaceful and the extreme nature seen on the news, like what happened today in Pakistan, I wonder if there is any hope for them. Have they become so polarized in the power of hatred and revenge, that there is no hope? Can they find peace, or are they just destined to just fight and kill themselves from one generation to another. Is it worth one American life to stop them or should we just back off and racial profile and depart all Muslims until they bring themselves to extension? I know it all seems to extreme and yet we see a people willing to live by and die by the extreme. I just do not know, as I have had limited contact with Muslims and yet I know I would have issues with trust of a Muslim in this day and age. How can people really be more stupid and extreme in their religion, then the Witnesses? I guess it is possible and the news is proving it every single day.
Is their any hope for the Muslim religion?
by free2beme 14 Replies latest jw friends
Hmmmm, seems to me that it was America that recently invaded and occupied a nominally Muslim country and killed or caused the death of approx 655,000 people.
You beat your chest, peace peace peace. You beat your war drums, peace peace peace. You beat your meat in public and the whole world can see right thru your peace peace peace. If westerners weren't such hypocritical jerkoffs, it stands to reason that the extremist in the Muslim world would be much easier to marginalize.
Chief Joseph of the Sixnines
Muslims are harming themselves far more than they are harming anyone else.
There are a lot of Muslim leaders who are teaching that hatred and violence is a good idea... and many Muslims have been caught up in these ideas.
On the bright side, after witnessing the hatred and violence tear apart their own lives, it appears as though more and more Muslims are just starting to realize that following a path of hatred and violence is not such a good idea after all.
The middle east never went through the same awakening and renaissance that the western world went through. It was a bloody and painful process for our western predecessors and it will be a bloody and painful process for the middle east too.
In the end the human survival instinct will prevail.
Is there any hope for Christianity. Islam has been successfully encroaching over Christian territory for nearly a millenium now with some set backs though it is clear they are just the set backs. Islams long term growth in christian lands shows little signs of ending any time soon. In fact as a unintended consequence of the US wars in Muslim countries is that a lot of soldiers are converting to Islam. So it will be a major minority faith the US before long.
So it will be a major minority faith the US before long.
... and yet I wonder, where is the appeal? As for the USA causing this with the Iraq war, that is just a recent example of American involvement in the Middle East. You have to go far back in years to see when the mess started and Britain is a lot to blame too. Remember, they did control India for many decades and were hated. Those not willing to accept the lessons of history, are destined to repeat it.
I have yet to see one Pagan suicide bomber, and yet we are suppose to be Satan worshipers according to Christianity.
As long as people are programmed to believe there is a whole new world out there, we will always have this kind of hate. Watchtower believes the same thing, except they teach to respect worldly laws. They want non believers destroyed.and I even heard that if murder was legalized , some would even consider it- but that is just speculation.
My real concern is why women are still treated like 3rd class people. If she was a he, would this still have occured-perhaps more speculation. But as long as hatred is taught, there will always be war and murder.
I can predict that in the next 100 years that this will change as Western civilization is just to sweet to taste. Maybe.
Some religions in our world predict a new system. I think that there is some room for improvement, but as long as there is a huge difference between the truly poor and the sickeningly rich, this will continue for now.
The appeal is that if you take out an infidel while killing yourself, they are taught that in their version of Heaven, there are 72 virgins waiting for you.
Unbelievably silly as that may seem, many really do believe that. Herein lies just one of the problems.
That and just religion itself in general.
sixofnine.....655,000 people? Please supply a reputable source for these numbers. Me thinks you are allowing propaganda to enter your psychi. Certainly the US is not totaly innocent, but have you asked yourself how many lives were saved from the butcher of Bagdad? How many people do you think HE was responsible for murdering? No question that there are some bad people in the US military, but that is the case with any large group of people. The vast majority of US soldiers care for innocent lives and go out of their way to prevent mindless killing. Todays media goes out of its way to find any incedent (such as the Abu-Grade debaucle) in order to bring distain on the military as a whole. Ask yourself, if the media is a fair and balanced entity, why don't they include the number of lives that have been saved in Iraq along with their vastly inflated figures of US "atrocities?" If it weren't for the US military we wouldn't be here right now freely exchanging information - that is a fact!
Always wondered, why is it 72 virgins. Why not 5, 68 or any other random number. Why virgins, and who are the virgins? Are the virgins the children they killed in a suicide bombing before they could grow old and have a real life? What a sick example of sex being used in religion again. Sex is evil, but hell, lets use it!!!! Religion defined.