Hello SP. The reason I joined JWD was to obtain information on how to deal with an associate of mine who is a full fledged Witness. He is hard to deal with, and cannot work a day without fellowshipping. When I work, I concentrate on what I am doing. When he works, he just cannot concentrate on one thing. I told him recently I wanted to discontinue, but he persists. I have asked advice from many here, but the sad conclusion is that next year I wish to dissasociate myself with him.
I had originally believed there was something in the WTS for me, but I have nothing in common with perves and liars. So I am saddened to announce I am moving on with him. If he calls, (and he will-that's the programming kicking in) I will assure everyone here that I will be polite, but firm. If he is in trouble I will continue to assist him . After all, what kind of person would I be if I behaved like one of them?
There are only one or 2 ppl here that really need serious help, and I hope 2008 brings salvation to your lives. For everyone else here, I see a large group of people in various stages of healing-some more than others. I can only hope you ALL find what you are looking for in the coming year!
Thank you SP for thinking about all of us. For now I am off to visit a friend for a birthday lunch. (2 days early, but what the heck!) Bill.