So For The XMAS thru New Years, I have tried to do this....I need HELP

by Sparkplug 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    PEC!!! Thank you, That was what I was looking for !!! HELP!! IT came!!

    Mouthy~ You are funny,,,I always can find mean stuff too. But usually upon self examination...I find it is not true. I just need to get to know the person better. Or it is very true and I need to stay away from the person if the trait is something that will harm me or mess with my family or loved ones. You know? So, Everyone has something good along with the bad. (Hell, Hitler was a persuasive speaker) But...Not so much a nice guy. lol. It has taken me a long time and I still have to work on accepting the fact that I can have a bad opinion of someone and that is OK. I just can choose not to dwell on it, stay away from the person, or even not even acknowledge them. And if I must intermingle with them, find something good to see and that way they don't annoy me so much.

    But you mouthy, a good egg in my book. With that big heart comes a lot of room to be hurt. I keep thinking of how you help people who are hurt. I tend to do that. And I am learning "Hurt People, Hurt People" So I always worry a bit for you. But I figure with that that you are a lot older than me and are very capeable of kicking someones a$$ if needed. You have not made it this far for nothing.

    I met this lady the other day and she was elderly. I was waiting to watch that she got to her car safe and she loooked at me in my stressed out and really vulnerable state and asked me, What do you think you are going to do to protect me?" She told me straight up, " I am one F'ing crazy senior citizen and if anyone tries to mess with me I will cut thier a$$ up into a million pieces and then call the police and tell them I did it." I laughed so hard I about wet myself. So I have to say. Never think because someone is older they won't jack you up in a heartbeat... hugs and kisses!

    Princess Daisy Boo~ How could I miss you with a name like that? So damn cute!

    JOJO~ When is the book coming out????

    On a cruse and Biker Chick~ Love the prayer. Love it! And truly Moderating is like any job. Has to be done. So work is work and not a prob there. Besides If I was moderated...probably needed it. lol You should see the things I moderate myself on. LMAO! Sometimes I really wish I my topics had a longer time to go back and edit. Because I want to be a lot meaner...or maybe have shut my mouth completely. Can I get that priveledge? Like a life rewind button?

    Truly, that goes for all the mods here. Tis sucks at times, but I would hate to have your job. It would have to be hard.

  • Lo-ru-hamah


    How sweet of you to think of saying something so nice about everyone. If I could just apply that in my life--- I mean to say and think nice things and then somehow get off track and get negative again.

    We really do need to get together again. It was really great meeting you and you are so full of life and spark. Let me know when you have an open day. I don't mind driving.


  • Warlock




  • wednesday

    Sparky, ( how apt your name is ) thank you sweetie. You are not only beautiful physically but your soul is gorgeous too.

    I could hardly believe it when i realized i knew sixty. I'm so happy for both of you.

    oh and snozzy, I read your posts and remember who you are.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Thanks for the nice comment Sparky! I wonder how many people know that I am also Breck from Thomschat?


  • cruzanheart
    Nina, Nobody has made me feel as welcome as you. I thank you for everything. On my low days and my high ones you remain a constant steady. Thank you. Much love.

    Thank you, darling. Back at you! You are one of my inspirations for the free spirit I am trying to be.


  • Gretchen956

    Sparky you are one awesome lady. What an impressive undertaking. This is like paying it forward on steroids. I can't tell you how nice it was to see myself included in your list. Thanks for the kind words. I have always admired your talent and your spunky spirit. I wish you every happiness.


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