If you choose to respond, then perhaps limit it to answering his questions.
i have also determind that the facebook site is a curse, whenever i click on friends from the past, they are no longer witnesses??
"Yes, it seems that many people are leaving. I've seen that just about as many leave each year as get newly baptized."
what is going on..
"I'm not sure. I can't imagine that Satan would be so successful in stumbling that many Witnesses, there must be a good reason for this."
p.s you know what you said about brainwashing... well, arnt we all living in a big brother, ORSON WELLES ESK.. society already, is the world getting better? no, is it getting worse? yes..
"There are certainly a lot of organizations and groups that want to control out thinking, yes I would agree. That's why it's important to try and be as free of them as possible. For example, I'm not sure I wouild agree that the world is getting worse - and I think it might be worthwhile to try and make the world a better place, making my own contribution."
i have also done alot of research as to why there has been a number of elders who have mismananged things, and some border hypocrisy, and often some are incorrect, also there have been governing body members who have stated armageddon would fall in 1975, as well as a number of other dates.. watchtowers directing to this also?? why i thort could this happen if it is inspired through them (the watchtower and awake)?? well.. we are all imperfect including them... new evidence is uncovered all the time, therefore certain thorts and explanations get adjusted such as with all scientific proven events.. murder trials.. years later uncover knew evidence, not that the people investigating were not knowlegeable enough, but that new things come to light... the word as a whole based on the scriptures has never changed, certainly some people, and writings, ideas since have ammended. yes. but overall, the pros out way the cons.the reasoning of such things reasons more so than anything else..
"Seeing as how they are imperfect like the rest of us, it's probably not right to place any more faith in them than anyone else. If they are making mistakes, and are imperfect, then are they really any different than any other religion? Perhaps I am just confused about how they are imperfect, but claim they are guided by God at the same time. I'm not so sure the pros outweigh the cons - it may be that the cons outweigh the pros."
In the end he'll make his own choice.