The hug and kiss from my young son every morning and evening.
The smell of new shoes.
- WIng Commander
by rolling rock 27 Replies latest jw friends
The hug and kiss from my young son every morning and evening.
The smell of new shoes.
- WIng Commander
using my mother in laws knickers as a tent for the kids.......sorry....LITTLE things??????..I jumped in again too soon
Spooning with my girlfriend, cuddling by a fire listening to great jazz music or crooners, fresh guitar strings, old tweed tube amps, smelling old guitars, having a clean / organized house, discovering great music for the first time, cooking for others
Hearing my love's voice.
Lying between freshly washed sheets on a night when I know I can sleep in the next day.
The smell of summer rain.
Unexpected hugs/cuddles/touches from my boyfriend.
That first bite of a bar of Galaxy chocolate after a bad day or when intensely hormonal.
Diet pepsi.
Naomi-hug (just got one).
Perennials pushing up through the cool soil in the spring.
A back rub.
Anyone who takes the time to come back and say "thank you".
You should see the hoarfrost covering our trees right now. The snow falls lightly, endlessly, like fog then like random feathers floating down from the sky.
Oh yes, a fresh, new, clean database. Or twenty hours to produce a masterpiece.
A glass of iced tea.
My mom's or dad's voice on the phone.
The cat on my lap (and a mug of hot tea in my hands).
Fresh "love, eric" boot socks.
jgnat: Thank you.