Information Control- The Governing Bodies Way of Controlling JW ' s

by flipper 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    My guess is that the best way to get JWs to listen to outside information is through the householders, since publishers are required to talk to outsiders in field service. What happens when all the householders know about the pedophile issue?

    Unfortunately, just as 97% of JWs are unaware of the issue, probably about 99% of householders are unaware of the issue. Although the story made NBC national news, it only aired once, and was easily either missed or forgotten. However, if the same story was in hundreds of local newspapers throughout the country, where householders could read, and re-read, and show the article to JWs, then it would be a different story. Would the FDS suddenly say, "oops, better not talk to those evil householders anymore"?

    Anybody have experience circulating news releases?

  • changeling

    Information control is thought control and yes, the GB efectively controls the info loyal JW's receive. Disgusting but true.


  • BurnTheShips

    Behold the Ministry of Truth






    Flipper..Kingdom Hall`s,are like giant Mushroom Barns..No windows................Jehovah`s Witness`s are treated like Mushrooms....Kept in the Dark..And..Fed plenty of Sh*t!........Most of the Mushrooms like being mushrooms..Some want to become even bigger mushrooms.....The only way to become a bigger mushroom,is to stay in the dark and eat more sh*t!.....All PraiseBravoBravo...............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • BurnTheShips

    The ideal set up by the Organization was something very huge, terrible and glittering—a world of steel and concrete of monstrous machines and terrifying publications—a nation of preachers and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts, wearing the same clothes and shouting the same year-texts, perpetually working, preaching, triumphing, persecuting—six million people all with the same face. The reality was decaying, dingy, windowless Kingdom Halls where brainwashed people shuffled to and fro in cheap suits, patched-up thirty year old cars that smelt always of damp magazines and stale doughnuts. He seemed to see a vision of Wallkill and Patterson and the remnants of the Brooklyn site, vast and ruinous, a hive of three-thousand zombies, and mixed up with it was a picture of the Old Pioneer Sister, a woman with a lined face and wispy hair, fiddling helplessly with an underlined Watchtower magazine as she madly gesticulated for the microphone.


  • tula

    "where one burns books, one will, in the end, burn people."

    heinrich heine

  • flipper

    Hey, thanks for your replies and putting up with my momentary lapse of reason and temporary insanity with figuring the computer out.

    BILLY the EX- BETHELITE- I know a few on the board who have written letters to the editors about the child abuse issue . And their letters have been printed in the papers. AK Jeff- did a fantastic letter to a local newspaper in his area, and they printed it . Others, myself included went and put the news releases from the newspapers in car windshields at Kingdom Halls during meetings. I personally did that at about 10 kingdom halls. Also many people left the news releases with people in grocery store parking lots , bulletin boards at stores, and one JWD lady poster left the news releases with neighbors and worked entire streets house to house placing these news releases with people Whatever it takes !

    CHANGELING- So, because the GB " effectively controls the info loyal Jw's recieve ," that is why this coming year and after the new year I am going to take every opportunity to anti-witness to them about the pedophile issue. I'm gonna wear them down .

    BURN the SHIPS- You are a crack up ! Funny stuff ! I do agree their ignorance is their strength. " Terrifying publications " ! " Brainwashed people shuffled to and fro in cheap suits ". A question I have- Are you and Billy the EX-Bethelite twin sons of different mothers ? Because both you look very similar.

    OUTLAW- That's great to know there are just mushrooms to grow everywhere. Although the witnesses have poisonous ones

  • WTWizard

    I don't know how they expect the witlesses to be effective if they don't let them read the newspapers or watch mainstream news. While the news broadcast only once, it is on YouTube in various places. Worse, there will be additional news reports about it when more people come forward. And, each time something like this happens, the chance of getting householders to remember it increases dramatically.

    Of course, the witlesses are going to give the stock answer that it is local, isolated, and that they do take care of it. What they won't say is that, in order for it to be allowed to be reported, the two-witness rule has to be met. I don't think they are so dumb that they are going to have another witness to the abuse. Usually, they get the parents in a hounding call, and try to get the children alone to be hounded one on one. Then, part of the hounding is getting molested. Of course, they threaten that, if they report it or warn others, that they will be disfellowshipped for "slander".

    Which answer is not going to do any good. NBC does not have time to report on the Evening News something that is an isolated incident. They don't even report murders, unless the murder is a high profile one like the President or is part of a terror strike, on the National News. For the pedophile thing to make the Evening News, it has to be widespread and going through the whole religion. I have heard that there are something like 23,000 known pedophiles on file within the organization, which figure has probably gotten even bigger, just in the US, North America, and Europe. To me, in a religion that is just short of 7 million, is quite a big number and not just an isolated case. I wonder what happens when another broadcast, or a piece in the newspaper or Time magazine, ends up showing up.

  • flipper

    TULA- The Watchtower society has definitely burned people- I agree !

    WT WIZARD- Very true, what you say. As more and more of these child abuse cases come forward- especially if any more go to the court systems , there will definitely be more media coverage now that a precedent has been set . It will gradually have the snowball effect of informing people , including witnesses themselves .

    The Watchtower society continues to make the blunder of not preparing their publishers for door to door altercations about the child abuse scandal , because they refuse to inform their own members of the truth of what's really going on in the organization. But, as you said- it really had to be big news for it to make NBC nightly news . In time the witnesses will know too

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Burntheships: when I read your post I was reminded of Charlie Chaplin's Factory.

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