I don't know how they expect the witlesses to be effective if they don't let them read the newspapers or watch mainstream news. While the news broadcast only once, it is on YouTube in various places. Worse, there will be additional news reports about it when more people come forward. And, each time something like this happens, the chance of getting householders to remember it increases dramatically.
Of course, the witlesses are going to give the stock answer that it is local, isolated, and that they do take care of it. What they won't say is that, in order for it to be allowed to be reported, the two-witness rule has to be met. I don't think they are so dumb that they are going to have another witness to the abuse. Usually, they get the parents in a hounding call, and try to get the children alone to be hounded one on one. Then, part of the hounding is getting molested. Of course, they threaten that, if they report it or warn others, that they will be disfellowshipped for "slander".
Which answer is not going to do any good. NBC does not have time to report on the Evening News something that is an isolated incident. They don't even report murders, unless the murder is a high profile one like the President or is part of a terror strike, on the National News. For the pedophile thing to make the Evening News, it has to be widespread and going through the whole religion. I have heard that there are something like 23,000 known pedophiles on file within the organization, which figure has probably gotten even bigger, just in the US, North America, and Europe. To me, in a religion that is just short of 7 million, is quite a big number and not just an isolated case. I wonder what happens when another broadcast, or a piece in the newspaper or Time magazine, ends up showing up.