The better question is what is up with you Fisherman? Who wants to understand a cat in the first place? Make a cat burrito and get a dog. (this entire post was tongue in cheek)
I am trying to understand my cat
by Fisherman 60 Replies latest jw friends
I would never declaw my cat. I love this cat. Why does he get into these hunting or wild modes? In these modes he doesnt attack me he jus gets into this mode that he wants to grab and catch and bite, playfully wild. I spend time with him eveyday and allow him to sit on my lap. That is when he drools all over me non stop purring when he is on my lap or I carry him. Thanks for all of the info. I am glad I have a normal cat. How affectionate and how wild. Very much like a woman.
Low-Key Lysmith
If you are truly a fisherman as your screen name suggests, perhaps you smell "fishy". Cats looooove fish......
Maybe the cat likes fish, and is waiting for you live up to your name;)
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Nathan Natas
It is ironic that cats like fish, seeing that the domestic cat is a descendant of desert cats that probably never had fish in their natural diet. Rodents, yes, but there are only a few cat food manufacturers who offer any kind of rodent (usually rabbit). People think that fish first came into common use as cat food during WWII, when fish scraps were a cheap form of protein. In nature, a cat gets his veggies when he eats the stomach of his herbivorous prey. Not pretty, but that's how it is. Maybe cats gave man the idea for haggis?
My cat loves fish - but not all fish. Not shrimp, not scallops, not salmon (unless it is his salmon cat food), maybe halibut just a little. But he doesn't care for birdies (chicken, turkey, goose) at all, doesn't like beef or pork or liver, and especially doesn't like treats. he's smart!
The cat I had before this fellow would eat ANYTHING I ate - he even lapped up some Chinese hot sour soup one time when I shared a little with him. He LOVED barbecued pork spareribs and used to insist on being my sous-chef when I grilled.
When our cat was young he would hunt and leap on my daughter as she rounded corners. They are cousins to the big cats, so hunting must run deep. He's as fat as a house but still hunts mice and moles outside.
Do I need to give my cat any veggies or herbs?
The drooling is part of their marking of their territory/posessions. As soon as i get my cats drool washed off in a shower, she can't wait to do it again. I feel so owned;)
S -
Other than pet it do you play with your cat? Maybe get one of those mouse on a stick toys, or just a string, or a laser pointer. Laser pointers drive cats bonkers. Just don't use your hand so it doesn't think your hand is something to pounce on when you're not playing. This will probably put a damper on him attacking your leg.
Cats have individual personalities. (Like people)