by V 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kifoy
    “First this one found his own brother, Simon, and said to him: ‘We have found the Messiah.’”
    That’s IT!!!! Sometimes I swear they try so hard to cram some scriptures in here they just use anything.

    Did any of you really look up all the referred scriptures when preparing for the study? I almost never took the time, I just read trough it really fast (10-15 minutes) and put a marker here and there (could not show up to the meeting with an untouched WT), and maybe found a paragraph with a simple question with a simple answer that I could answer to.

    So that way, and because I always was in a hurry, I would never look up this scripture and never even think about how weird something like this one was.

    Jesus cared so much about people that he gave up needed rest in order to teach them.

    So, you're tired? Look to Jesus, he gave up on sleep to preach to people. Forget about the fact that he was perfect and you're not. Get up from the sofa!

    Here we go…the basic “quit your job you selfish, undeserving, materialistic, no good publisher” routine. You should have faith in Jehovah to provide for you instead. Loser.

    Or. "Quit your job ... learn more languages (education?) ... move to far-away-country" That's a lot to ask, but you see "more is needed!"

    We should try to assist a Bible student to understand the difference between truth and error, good and bad, wisdom and foolishness.

    And black and white. There are no such thing as grey in Paradise™.

    When a new one becomes a disciple, the Witness of Jehovah who found him and helped him to learn what the Bible teaches is not the only one with reason for rejoicing. When people organise a search party to locate a lost child, only one member of the group may actually find the youngster. But when the child is reunited with his parents, everyone involved in the search rejoices. (Luke 15:6, 7)

    I don't understand the connection between the topic here (finding new sheep) and the illustration (re-finding a lost sheep/child). I thought Luke 15 was about re-finding not new-finding.

    I never used so much time reading the WT study when I was a witness. Now I like it because it's so amusing to watch the naivety


  • jgnat

    Great job on the study.

    No wonder so many Witnesses are depressed. If they hold down a good job and make all the meetings and perform the average, they are selfish. If they switch to a part-time job and get really zealous in the pioneering work, they trash their own security and future prospects.

  • hamsterbait

    OBves has a very good point.

    EXCELLENT in fact.

    He compares the Watchtower Organization with Communist Russia and Saddams's Iraq.

    Both countries remained unified because of a very effective reign of FEAR.

    People in the Organization are kept in line by FEAR.

    Thanks Obves!!


  • jgnat

    Very good point, hamsterbait. Obves' illustration also demonstrates the difference between uniformity and unity. These forced conformities completely fell apart when the bully was brought down. Underneath, the sects and factions were as disparate as they ever were. With the constraints removed, they quickly reverted to their old ways.

    I believe organizations that welcome dissent and discussion have greater underlying unity, because they have taken the time to listen, appreciate, and incorporate their differences.

  • Honesty

    Hi OBVES.

    I see that your privileges to peek out of your rubber lined room have been restored.

    Welcome back.

    BTW, How About That Watchtower Study Conductor !!!!

    I hear he's giving out free autographs.

    Better get yours, OBVES so you'll have something to remember this Watchtower Study with since your mental abilities have been so stunted by the constant mathematical equations that keep exploding inside your skull.

  • WTWizard

    I definitely think fear of the rulership is the only thing holding the witless organization together, for sure. And, like when the USSR fell and people found themselves in a free country, when the Watchtower Society gets ruined totally, people are going to find themselves scrambling to find their freedom. Some will, for a time, be ruled by end-time predictions, but hopefully will realize that it is all a hoax.

    I liked that thing about being patient but not wasting your time. Good advice for once, directly from the Watchtower Society. Which means that people should be patient (waiting for the right time to begin missing meetings, missing them at the pace that will not arouse Brother Hounder, and progressively missing more and doing less field circus). And they shouldn't waste time. Which means, not wasting time to go to those boasting sessions any longer than is absolutely necessary to throw off Brother Hounder. It also means not going out in field circus.

    To follow the instructions in the Puketower lesson is unwise. You will be getting yourself into stagnation. Cutting down to part time work results in poverty. People are struggling with two full time incomes these days, and the Tower has the nerve to ask people to work part time. Plus, the work itself is so robotic. Keeping it simple also means not teaching people real material. That is going to make sure those people stagnate. They are going to grow old, heavy of heart that they did not contribute to society's well being. People that could have worked full time didn't, and they are now being hurt financially. They are not being told that Social Security benefits shrink if you work part time, earning less, and that this is going to create major money problems.

    Instead, I advise people to make the most of their opportunities. Unless you are a rock star or are working in some industry that is so new that college would be of little assistance, you should go to college if there is any reasonable way to. Student debt is part of it, and should be accounted for. If you reasonably think you are going to make more extra than the debt costs, you should definitely go for it. And, if you are in a full time job, you should be looking for any promotion that you can reasonably handle. Cutting back is stupid,

    And to cut back and pioneer is the epitome of stupidity. It costs money to pioneer these days. You are supposed to double donate for the littera-trash (and they don't call it double donating) by donating for it when picking it up and again when the householder gives you the donation. It wastes gas, and lots of it, to go out in field circus since you are driving all around town. The Pioneer Diet costs about $5 or more these days per day. And it all takes such a toll on one's health that medical bills are going to add big bucks to those costs. I don't want cancer or diabetes from The Pioneer Diet or some of the stresses that pioneering results in (like not getting enough sleep).

    Now, I hope Ted Jaracz got lumps of coal in his stocking for Christmas...


    If we did so the scenario of the end time era would be disturbed and there would be no end of the world soon. There must be one small group of servants from the class of 144000 that is united and has its flock to feed and one seperate servant - the last one of 144000 to make Luke 9.49-50 the end-time reality.

    To save a day you would have to come up with another christian organization to replace Jehovah Witness Organization and you would have to prove your organization is better and moreover you would have to link your organization to the specific dates that would reflect the times when Christ and his first disciples lived and preached the true christian religion. I doubt you can do it even if you resort to the most gifted pastors ,priests and use the most advanced electronic brains to produce better dates !

    I will remind the following:

    7 BC = 1879 AD 2 BC = 1884 AD 11 AD = 1891 AD 29 AD = 1914 AD 33 AD = 1918 AD 36 AD = 1921 AD

    106 AD = 1914 AD 70 AD = 1950 AD 36 AD = 1984 AD 33 AD = 1988 AD 29 AD = 1991 AD

    I gave the explanations for these dates in my posts.

    The Book of Revelation fits into this timeline: chapters 1-11 : 1914 AD - 1984 AD - 1991 AD + chapters 12-22: 1914 AD - 1984 AD - 1991 AD +

    Try to come up with another time division of the Book of Revelation .And you have to explain the seals ,trumpets and bowls that are given in Apocalypse .

    Note also you have to identify besides your organization that one single seperate servant (claiming to be the last of 144000 class ) who is not against your organization to make Luke 9.49-50 fulfilled.

    The line I am giving is :

    The International Bible Students .... Jehovah's Witnesses linked to the dates : 1879 AD,1884 AD,1914 AD and one seperate servant linked to: 1950 AD,1984 AD,1991 AD

    If we mix together dates we can see :

    7 BC = 1879 AD 2 BC = 1884 AD 29 AD = 1914 AD

    106 AD = 1914 AD 70 AD = 1950 AD 36 AD=1984 AD 29 AD=1991 AD

    We have a copy of the times when Christ and his first great servants lived !

    7 BC - 2 BC - 29 AD - 33 AD - 36 AD - 70 AD - 106 AD

    1879 AD - 1884 AD - 1914 AD - 1950 AD - 1984 AD - 1988 AD - 1991 AD

    And who is covered by both timelines ? !

    Christ + his first great servants and in our times: the International Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses who have the remnant of 144000 servants in their ranks and one person extra must be considered as per Luke 9.49-50 .And it happened by Yahweh's grace He chose me in His Son Jesus to be that one seperate servant as I am proving by the dates I came up with using calculations based on the Bible.

  • brinjen

    Like Duffman at an AA meeting...


    Wunderlustguy..BravoBravo..Good stuff!..And..Funny!....................Obves..Blah BlahBlah BlahBlah BlahLaughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • jgnat

    To save a day you would have to come up with another christian organization to replace Jehovah Witness Organization and you would have to prove your organization is better and moreover you would have to link your organization to the specific dates that would reflect the times when Christ and his first disciples lived and preached the true christian religion.

    Oh, so easy.

    Distribution of God's word, the bible: http://www.gideons.org/Tgi.web/TGI.Web.PublicWebSite/Default.htm

    Reaching every nation: http://www.jesusfilm.org/

    Scrupulous application of bible teachings: http://www.adventist.org/

    Application of prophesied dates: http://www.israelsmessiah.com/

    It is ridiculous in the extreme for the Jehovah's Witnesses to claim to be the New Jerusalem, when the New Isreal, New Jerusalem has been rebuilt before our very eyes, in our generation! Your irgnorance is easy to correct, OBVES. You simply need to obtain a wider education.

    What have I done? I'm taunting a troll. My apologies everyone, if I set off a storm. Wanderlust's study is really, very, good.

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