My MIL who was raised a JW and raised my DH a JW is always doing something to get attention. I don't invite her over or to do anything anymore because when we do all she whines about is how no one ever wants to call her or do anything with her. How annoying, who would want to spend time with someone like that! She was diagnosed with diabetes so now she shoves as much sugar in her face as possible and whines because they can't get her medication right (kind of difficult when the person does NOTHING to help themselves) This Christmas she decided to bake us 18 dozen cookies and bring them over with green and red bows all over the wrapping. I wonder what they would think of THAT at the Kingdom Hall?
MIL is a JW
by tika 18 Replies latest jw experiences
Hello Tika. Welcome to the forum.
Good morning tika, Welcome to JWD.
Your mom-in-law sounds like the mom on Still Standing. She just wants attention. A call from her son more often would really help. Maybe a weekly visit. Helped my needy mil.
Welcome Tika. I get MIL=Mother in law. But what is DH?
But what is DH? Ha! Ha I was trying to think what that meant Glad some one else dont know also
But what is DH?
Some suggestions from
Damn Husband
Darling Husband
Dear Husband
Deer Hunter
Demon Hunter
Deployed Husband
Dumb Husband
btw: Welcome tika!
kifoy -
Well lets hope it is # 2 on the list Thanks friend
tik a, We need to hear more abut YOU! Jw? Ex-jw, non-jw, etc,etc.Get your DH in here and lets hear from him also. Designated Hitter? American leaguer? Must be. HUH?
Thanks momzcrazy, I know my husband should call his mom and go see her more but I got tired of bugging him to call and go see her. I figure if her own kids can't stand her, well something must be wrong that I don't know about other than the obvious. Yes, my Dear Husband when we first got together 7 years ago did not tell me right away that he was raised JW. He waited until I made a joke about them one day and then broke the news. He convinced me to try some studies and meetings when we first got married which I did because initially I didn't see the harm of it. The more I learned the more uncomfortable I became and it was mostly their views on little things that bothered me. Never mind the tediousness of the meetings and studying, no wonder my H was brainwashed being raised in this religion. When I decided I wanted no part of the JW lifestyle, my H was disappointed but didn't press the issue. He defends the religion to me but yet he doesn't go to meetings because he says it is too difficult with a non believing spouse. I have told him several time that if he believes they preach the TRUTH like he says he does, then he should go to meetings. So, I am left feeling like it's MY FAULT he won't practice his beliefs when the real reason is probably more like he doesn't want to do everything they require! Thank you everyone for your comments!!
Hi Tika and Welcome,
Do not worry about your husband not going he probably knows deep down that it is a load of rubbish. You have done him a favour and given a good excuse with his mum!!!
Regards llbh