So where are the outlines for the #3, #4, and #6 talks? I couldn't find them in my husband's TMS book. And before you ask, I woke him up to get permission first to snoop through his WT stuff.
Re: Scully's talks, a question
by carla 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
the women have the privelege of giving the #3 talk at the weekly Theocratic Ministry School™
In my old cong we were so many sisters and so few brothers, that the sisters was also given the #4 talk.
Then some pioneer brothers moved to our town, and the #4 talk would be given to both brothers and sisters.
kifoy -
Why in the past do those who still go dread giving the #4 so much?
So where are the outlines for the #3, #4, and #6 talks? I couldn't find them in my husband's TMS book. And before you ask, I woke him up to get permission first to snoop through his WT stuff.
Oh boy you task me jgnat!
If I remember right yearly an insert in the Kingdom Ministry™ came out with that years material to be covered in talks #'s 1-4. It was also posted each month on the Information Board™ in the back of the Hall™ where the assignments were then known who would be giving what talks, what night whom your householder™ would be ect. You were also given an Assignment™ slip by the School Conductor™ to remind you of your talk and what points you would be graded on.
I am surprised how little I remember of this! This is good, no?
That fills in a lot of gaps, thank you Bikerchic.
I'm also looking for the general outline. That is, what distinguishes a #3 from a #4 and #6. I've found it difficult to explain to the uninitiated how the woman never speaks directly to the audience but rather rehearses a little role-play on stage.
Nathan Natas
For all you ancient history buffs:
When I was going to meetings during the 1950s -- 1970s, the talks given at the Theocratic Ministry school on Thursday or Friday night were not covered by an outline. Each speaker had to prepare his presentation in his own words. Some of the "talks" were simply readings of a portion of the bible. Imagine the restful effect of listening to a 12 year old read the "begats" for five minutes! The subject matter for each of the other talks was provided, but the method of delivery was up to the 'student."
The exception was female students. Since Paul forbade women from teaching the congregation, it would not do to have a woman speak directly to the audience. What she could do was have a spontaneous discussion of Bible based material with a neighbor (played by another sister) who just happened to stop by to borrow a cup of nitromethane. They would sit at a table and have their discussion, and we could all eavesdrop.
It was very exciting.
I've found it difficult to explain to the uninitiated how the woman never speaks directly to the audience but rather rehearses a little role-play on stage.
Because the woman is not to be a teacher in the Congregation when there are able bodied men around to do so she would have to wear a head covering. Somehow teaching a
supposedpretend Bible Study is not the same.I'm also looking for the general outline. That is, what distinguishes a #3 from a #4 and #6.
The explanation of the talks to be given are also on the yearly schedule ie; it explains for say talk #1 it's to be given by a brother™and to cover the material outlined say pages such and such in some book or another and it's to be a 5 minute talk. There is no outline for these talks just material in given publications to be covered and a time allowance for each talk.
Thanks bicerchic, I had almost forgotten the details about that.
That is, what distinguishes a #3 from a #4 and #6. I've found it difficult to explain to the uninitiated how the woman never speaks directly to the audience but rather rehearses a little role-play on stage.
Found the Instruction page here: BookStudy/2008%20TMS%20Schedule.doc
ASSIGNMENT No. 3: 5 minutes. This will be assigned to a sister. Students receiving this assignment will either select a setting or be assigned one from the list appearing on page 82 of the Ministry School Textbook. The student should use the assigned theme and apply it to an aspect of field service that is realistic and practical for the territory of the local congregation. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. Newer students should be assigned talks for which references are supplied. The school overseer will be particularly interested in the way the student develops the material and the way she helps the householder to reason on the Scriptures and to understand the key points of the presentation. Students assigned this part should know how to read. The school overseer will assign one assistant.
ASSIGNMENT No. 4: 5 minutes. The student should develop the assigned theme. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. When assigned to a brother, this part may be given as a talk with the Kingdom hall audience in mind. Or the school overseer may suggest that for certain speech counsel points, a brother may handle his assignment with a field service setting. When a sister is given this part, it should always be presented as outlined for assignment.
kifoy -
From the TMS Instruction page (talk #3):
Students receiving this assignment will either select a setting or be assigned one from the list appearing on page 82 of the Ministry School Textbook
I can't remember ever being given a setting...? And what is this Ministry School Textbook?
kifoy -
The speaker is supposed to cover all the material in the outline, with very little deviation.
The irony is that the only really interesting talks ever delivered at the KH on Sunday are the ones where the elder specifically does not follow these instructions!
The best talks I ever heard were from guys who used the outline as a launching pad, did their own research, filled the 45 minutes with illustrations, anecdotes, heart-wrenching experiences, or some fascinating scientific facts, and left the audience uplifted and proud. Few dub elders have the skill and intelligence to pull this off. In recent years, the number of such elders has declined dramatically.