Re: Scully's talks, a question

by carla 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mouthy

    They would sit at a table and have their discussion, and we could all eavesdrop.

    OH GOD How many of those did I give !!!! just looking at the woman opposite me. didnt dare look at the congregation Jehovah didnt like us telling men what to do

    Was told by several "ELDERS" "Pity sister your not a man, you would be a good deliverer of a main talk" "
    Just to puff me up so when some one didnt turn up for their talk "Dopey Grace "( or Undeserved kindness ) would step in.

    Sure knew how to get this faithful slave to perform.....

  • bikerchic

    Thanks for that c/p kilfoy!

    ASSIGNMENT No. 3: 5 minutes. This will be assigned to a sister. Students receiving this assignment will either select a setting or be assigned one from the list appearing on page 82 of the Ministry School Textbook. The student should use the assigned theme and apply it to an aspect of field service that is realistic and practical for the territory of the local congregation. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. Newer students should be assigned talks for which references are supplied. The school overseer will be particularly interested in the way the student develops the material and the way she helps the householder to reason on the Scriptures and to understand the key points of the presentation. Students assigned this part should know how to read. The school overseer will assign one assistant.

    ASSIGNMENT No. 4: 5 minutes. The student should develop the assigned theme. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. When assigned to a brother, this part may be given as a talk with the Kingdom hall audience in mind. Or the school overseer may suggest that for certain speech counsel points, a brother may handle his assignment with a field service setting. When a sister is given this part, it should always be presented as outlined for assignment.

    That made me puke! Talk about mind control......leaves no room for "free thinking"! Man I forget how protected we were from the outside world, why I didn't see this as cult-like back then?! It's so obvious to me now.

  • watson

    I remember the good ole days.


    #1 For "Smart" Boys (15 Min)

    #2 For Boys (6 Min)

    #3 For Girls (6 Min)

    #4 For Smart Girls (6 Min)

    #5 For Boys that want to be smart Boys (7 Min)

  • kifoy

    Discovered that I had a little error in my link til the TMS Information Page. Here's a correct one:


  • jgnat

    From the TMS book, "Benefit from Theocratic Ministry School Education" page 82.

    "Use a Variety of Settings"

    You may use these settings in any order in the Theocratic Ministry School when presenting student assignments that take the form of demonstrations. To the extent possible, try not to use any setting more than twice before using all the others that are appropriate for your congregation's territory. On the line provided, note the date on which you used each setting.

    1. Giving a house-to-house presentation

    2. Overcoming a potential conversation stopper

    3. Making the first return visit on someone who showed interest

    4. Demonstrating a Bible study on the initial call

    5. Conducting a study with a person who does not read well

    6. Conducting a study with an advanced student

    7. Encouraging a Bible student to attend meetings

    8. Persuading a Bible student to apply some point of Scriptural counsel

    9. Having a practice session with an unbaptized publisher

    10. Encouraging Bible reading by showing how to do it or how reading a specific Bible book can benefit us

    11. Witnessing over the telephone or by intercom

    12. Engaging in street witnessing

    13. Witnessing at a market or other place of business

    14. Witnessing informally in a waiting room

    15. Witnessing informally on public transportation

    16. Witnessing in a local setting

    17. Witnessing to a neighbor

    18. Explaining your belief to a non-Witness relative

    19. Sharing your belief with a workmate or schoolmate

    20. Witnessing to a schoolteacher, an employer, or another professional

    21. Witnessing to a doctor, a lawyer, or another professional

    22. Witnessing to a person who does not speak your language well

    23. Conversing with an atheist or an agnostic

    24. Witnessing to an animist, a Buddhist, a Catholic, a Hindu, a Jew, a Muslim, a Protestant, or someone of another local religion

    25. Working with someone in the Pioneers Assist Others program

    26. A parent reasoning with a child, or a youth reasoning with a sibling

    27. Sharing Scriptural encouragement with someone who is ill

    28. Using the Scriptures to comfort a grieving or depressed person met in the field

    29. An older person counselling a youth

    30. Another setting appropriate to your area

  • kifoy

    Thanks jgnat That explains it. says that this book was published in 2001. That's when I faded away.

    Some of the settings are almost doomed to be non-realistic:
    "2. Overcoming a potential conversation stopper" (Yeah, JWs are conversation stoppers themselves, but they don't see it)
    "23. Conversing with an atheist or an agnostic" (And of course the setting will have ahappy ending...)
    "24. Witnessing to an animist, a Buddhist, a Catholic, a Hindu, a Jew, a Muslim, a Protestant, or someone of another local religion" (And I wonder how they figure out how a buddhist would answer to a specific question? Through the "Man's search for God" book? Hah!)


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Thanks, Kifoy, for that link. I wanted to post the other assignment descriptions, etc., because it is so entertaining:

    ASSIGNMENT No.1: 10 minutes. This should be handled by an elder or a ministerial servant, and will be based on the "The Watchtower, Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, or All Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial" It is to be delivered as a ten-minute instruction talk with no oral review. The objective should be not just to cover the material but to focus attention on the "practical value" of the information being discussed, highlighting what will be most helpful to the congregation. The theme shown should be used. It is expected that brothers assigned this talk will be careful to "keep within the time limit" Private counsel may be given as needed.

    HIGHLIGHTS FROM BIBLE READING: 10 minutes. For the first five minutes, a qualified elder or ministerial servant should effectively apply the material to local needs. He may comment on any portion of the assigned Bible reading for the week. This should not be just a summary of the assigned reading. The principle objective is to help the audience to appreciate "WHY" and "HOW" the information is of value. The speaker should be careful not to exceed the five minutes allotted for the opening portion. He should be ensure that five minutes are set aside for audience participation. The audience should be invited to offer "BRIEF" comments (30 seconds or less) on what they have appreciated in the Bible reading and its benefits. The school overseer will then dismiss the students who are assigned to other classrooms.

    ASSIGNMENT No. 2: 4 minutes. This is a reading to be given by a brother. The student should read the assigned material without giving an introduction or a conclusion. The school overseer will be especially interested in helping students to read with understanding, fluency, proper sense stress, modulation, appropriate pausing, and naturalness.

    (see assignment #3 and #4, already posted)

    (( there seems to be no #5 anymore!))

    COUNSEL: 1 minute. The school overseer will not announce in advance the speech quality that a student is working on. After assignments No. 2, No, 3. and No. 4, the school overseer will offer positive observations on an aspect of the talk that was commendable. His aim is not simply to say "well done" but, rather, to draw attention to specific reasons why that aspect of the presentation was effective. According to the need of each student, additional constructive counsel may be given privately after the meeting or at another time.

    TIMING: No talk should go overtime, not should the remarks of the counselor. Assignment No. 2 through 4 should tactfully be stopped when the time is up. If a brother is handling the opening speech quality, Assignment No. 1, or Highlights from the Bible reading go overtime, they should be given private counsel. All should watch their timing carefully. Total program: 45 minutes, excluding song and prayer.

    COUNSEL FORM In textbook

    AUXILIARY COUNSELOR: The body of elders may select a capable elder, if one is available in addition to the school overseer, to handle the assignment as auxiliary counselor. His responsibility will be to give private counsel, if needed, to brothers who present Assignment No. 1. and the Bible Highlights. It is not necessary that he offer counsel after each of such talks by fellow elders or ministerial servants.

    THEOCRATIC MINISTRY SCHOOL REVIEW: 30 minutes, Every two months, the school overseer will conduct an oral review. It will be preceded by the consideration of a speech quality and highlights from the Bible reading as outlined above. The oral review will be based on material considered in the school over the preceding two months, including the current week. If your congregation has a circuit assembly during an oral review week, then the review (and the rest of the weekly schedule} should be postponed one week, and the subsequent week's schedule should be used one week early. If the circuit overseer's will be visiting your congregation during an oral review week, then the song, the speech quality talk, and Bible highlights should be presented as scheduled. The instruction talk (given after the speech quality talk) should be drawn from the following week's schedule. The Theocratic Ministry School for the next week will proceed with the speech quality talk and Bible highlights as scheduled, following the oral review.

  • kifoy
    (( there seems to be no #5 anymore!))

    I can't remember that there ever was a # 5 talk... So they must have removed it at least 20 years ago. Unless my memory is really bad.
    That could of course also be the case


  • kifoy

    The Batchelors have a number of downloads on this page:

    Watchtower articles
    KM Magazine Presentations
    and stuff like that.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    When I was going to meetings during the 1950s -- 1970s, the talks given at the Theocratic Ministry school on Thursday or Friday night were not covered by an outline. Each speaker had to prepare his presentation in his own words.........

    The exception was female students. Since Paul forbade women from teaching the congregation, it would not do to have a woman speak directly to the audience. What she could do was have a spontaneous discussion of Bible based material with a neighbor (played by another sister) who just happened to stop by to borrow a cup of nitromethane. They would sit at a table and have their discussion, and we could all eavesdrop.

    Women weren't allowed to give any talks at all in the TM school until January 1, 1959. It was only the men. I also remember when they had roll call for those who were part of the Ministry School.

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