Australian Government Porn Filter To Slow Down the Internet

by What-A-Coincidence 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration


    That's a great idea but then some would just argue that it is still a Government "mandated" law forcing the poor porn companies to give up there rights to a .com suffice.

    They have rights dammit!

  • Roski

    I don't know about all countries, but where I live porn is sent via the cell phone. This now includes visual content along with text and voice-mail. This goes out to all/any users, including children.

    There are an increasing number of reports of teenage girls being abducted and kept in hotel rooms for days/weeks on end and sold for sex. In terms of underage prostitution (the other kind has always been freely available although illegal), I see a definite correlation between technology, inadequate laws to protect the users and an illegal and predatory sex industry that continues to gain strength. This country is rapidly becoming a pedophile's paradise.

    While government restrictions may not be palatable to many people, I wonder if they have seen the consequences of having no restrictions, allowing the 'sex sellers' to go about business unrestricted. The wide and rapid expansion of the internet here, originally allowed easy and virtually unrestricted acces to any online content. Security was not a major issue in the rush to be 'wired'. Being home-grown technology it was considered 'all good' and taken on board hook, line and sinker. One sees young children accessing porn sites - accidentally or not, in schools and home.

    The worrying issue in all of this activity is that a sense of repsonsibility by adults seems to have not developed at the same pace. An attitude of "Well it's there (it's progress) and everyone sees/uses it so it must be OK" definitely prevails. Unless I have totally lost touch with the way Western kids think, I find these children to be very well informed on sexual matters and even dismissive of 'adult' behaviour (not all underage prostitution is involuntary). I do wonder how/if they will form healthy relationships in adulthood.

    I realize the above touches on a number of issues that require deeper analysis, but having been in the position of seeing such rapid change in technology/attitude/behaviour, I'm not at all sure reliance on adult/parent responisbility is enough to protect children.

  • brinjen

    A filter will not protect children, as I've said before those who want to by-pass it will.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    A filter will not protect children, as I've said before those who want to by-pass it will.

    Agreed, filters never stopped me.

  • 5thGeneration
    A filter will not protect children, as I've said before those who want to by-pass it will.

    Wrong! The Aussie plan would be filtered from the source, the Internet provider. Please try to follow. By-passing content that can't even reach your computer would be impossible. Nothing to do with a kid figuring out their Dad's computer (unless of course he opted out). P.S. I still think I'm in the Twilight Zone arguing with people who think Internet smut should be accessible to every household. Weird! I fear for today's youth.

  • brinjen

    By-passing content that can't even reach your computer would be impossible.
    It will be about as effective as the anti-spam laws passed in 2004 by the previous government. I get at least a dozen every day, law has done nothing to stop it. What about at the other end? How do you filter only porn? How does a piece of software recognise that a picture or video is too graphic? It's just a bunch of coloured pixels. It's usually done through the file name, and with "trigger" words on the web page. Viruses, malware, trojans will not stop. Predators will adapt...

  • 5thGeneration

    OK brinjen!

    I capitulate. You are right and I am wrong.

    They shouldn't do anything to at least try to protect my girls.

    Bring it on then!

    Hey brinjen, maybe we can get together and lobby NBC to show porn in prime time too!

    P.S. I am SHOCKED that more people on JWD don't agree with me.

  • brinjen

    Who said this is about being allowed to show porn? As I said above, I don't care for the stuff.

    They shouldn't do anything to at least try to protect my girls.

    No one said that either, but implementing a censorship that won't stop predators isn't going to protect them either. It will also likely restrict many sites that are not porn. Most filters block the word "breast" for example, so you can't research "breast cancer". Most also block the letters s e x in succession, blocking the sites on "Mars exploration. Education can work, yes. A system that does better to track down and prosecute those who prey on children, develop viruses, malware, trojans and the like would also be a better idea.

    As far as security goes, having your internet connection go through a router helps, I'd even consider installing Linux as most viruses etc are designed to hit the Windows operating system. By it's very design, Linux just doesn't know what to do with the code...

  • 5thGeneration

    Okay. As I said, I am obviously wrong!

    I thought you would reasonably see my point that the Internet providers at least should try to protect our children by making the subscribers ask for full Internet access.

    I stand corrected!

    P.S. Long live the pursuit of non-censorship at the expense of our kids! Woo Ho!

  • R6Laser

    Filters will not work. They usually end up filtering something that doesn't need filtering. That's just how the software is designed. And as far as viruses, this filter would not stop that so we might need the government to also provide virus software and keep it updated to every household.

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