Own up time...

by Chalam 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    Outspoken atheist, rationalist, freethinker and skeptic, living life with a philosophy influenced by Ecclesiasties (Bible book), the Tao te Ching, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and my own ideas and life experience.


  • Evidently

    The way the wind blows

  • sooner7nc

    Church of Barry Switzer of Latter Day Soonerists, and also a card carrying member of the order of Bob Stoops.

  • Fisherman

    SERIOUSLY THOUGH, If my life the depended on it and I had to confess, I would have to admit that I believe in the exsitence of God and the HE interacts with people.

    I have my own relationship with God. I try to be good to people. When I fail, I do not let my conciense bother me. I keep on trying. I do not condem myself, After all Jesus paid for my sins, so why do I have to worry about them. I do not judge people. I try to be helpful. I do not believe in hell or in a vengeful God. I think that God will intervene to bring relief and not to kill billions. But like Gerorge Carlin, I dont understand God (my cat, I am beginning to figureout thanks to this Forum) except that I know that he is God and he does what he wants. I am also afraid of God because I know that he will punish me NOW if I offend him

    I have become cynical of Rlegious leaders and all those guys and any one that think that they are at a higher level with respect to me. Elders, Gb, everyone. All are sinful men just like me.

    I recognize the value and appreciate the work and research and seklf sacrifice of people that have produced Bibles and Literature and also those that have tried to assist people spiritually. But such will get their reward from God and by having a god feeling. I wont bow to them though although from my heart I feel gratitude,

    I believed in many of the jw doctrines, some jewish, and some other christain beliefs too. I respect people of all faiths and I do not feel that I have a duty to convert them and I do not think that I have to prove anything to anyone.

    I think that it is God's move, not to break people but to heal ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

  • Purza

    I am a Deist.

    In the paper the other day it defined a deist as "one who believes in God, but not organized religion". I thought that fit me perfectly.

    From Dictionary.com:

    Deist: The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.


  • babygirl75
    "religioned out"

    I'll second that!!!! Have no desire to be part of any religion. I just view myself as being spiritual verses religious.

  • jaguarbass

    agnostic searching for the truth.

  • Crafty Lady
    Crafty Lady

    Atheist. I can't believe innocent babies are "born in sin" for something they didn't do. Doesn't make sense to me.


  • Chalam

    Hi everybody,
    Thanks for all the posts-interesting reading.

    Anyhow, a happy new year to you all!


  • worldtraveller

    Most importantly I am at peace with the end of my exsistence. Whenever that is. As long as it is my choice. That's my God.

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