Weak Atheist slightly Gnostic
I really think all religion is a scam. If there are gods to be sought for guidance. One most find them on their own. Assuming they care to be found, or communicated with at all.
by Chalam 97 Replies latest jw friends
Weak Atheist slightly Gnostic
I really think all religion is a scam. If there are gods to be sought for guidance. One most find them on their own. Assuming they care to be found, or communicated with at all.
Secular Humanist/Agnostic* *I'm not sure I have "spirituality" in any religous sense of the word. I don't put any stock in a "spirit" world, but instead put stock in the 'human spirit'. I believe we (plants, animals, etc.) are all connected in a physical sense. We all basically came from the same basic components, just evolved differently and in that sense we are connected. As for some other-worldly realm.. nope, I don't believe in any of that.
Cool selection so far!
So mouthy-what type of Christian BTW? Are you born again?
Hi FS,
"I'm not sure I have "spirituality" in any religous sense of the word."
Fair point. I think the question should be revised to "What is your belief system?"
Militant Agnostic: I don't know, and you don't either!
That sounds about right for me too!
I used to be a devout frisbeeist, but I got better. Now I'm a right-wing fundamentalist religious nut-job, with sprinkles. Sometimes I miss my frisbee.
Are you born again?
Yes Oct 20th 1989 & I am 80 now .I have attended most Churches ,but find it difficult as I cant agree with all the showers, parties, etc:etc: they have . But there are a few I like to listen to .Charlie Price, I find He sticks to scripture also David Jerimiah, But the place I find I really love is Pennsylvania every Oct 10th ( <this next year)at the" Witnesses Now For Jesus" conventions where many EX JWs meet. from all over the world..Thats where I celebrate communion . By the way Welcome to the board
I call myself a spiritual atheist.