I want to post more for the reasons that Flipper stated at the beginning of this thread. I want to be of assistance to others. Further, one never truly gets rid of the JWs when one has family in it. And with my soon to be ex going back in, I need to be on top of things so that she doesn't drag my daughter in as that would break my heart.
What Are Your Goals in Posting on JWD in 2008 ?
by flipper 62 Replies latest jw friends
How to tolerate a wife with OCD. after more than 20 years together has put me into credit card debt now aproaching 40 thousand dollars in
debt.(shoes, clothes, junk). I will be cashing in a portion of a gic, in July to pay it off, so no big deal I suppose. Somebody shoot me, or, well, ,,,, never mind. -
SIX of NINE- You want to get the national average in posts on JWD ? Or national average in hours preaching door to door ? LOL!
HORTENSIA- Keep hangin' out sis !
SAVE MY SOUL- I agree with you. Discussing personal experiences and how people have overcome and survived getting out of the Watchtower society is great for us - gives us ideas how to cope with things ourselves.
WT WIZARD- I agree Wizard. I hope also to persuade others to get out of the " mind control cult " known as Jehovah's Witnesses.
R. CRUSOE- I'll be looking forward to your " nothing to report" threads then. LOL! Peace.
KENEI SHIMONZU- I love ironic, cynicism in humor too. Maybe you can be a sidekick to JK 666's satirical humor style. I love that tye of humor too! Look forward to your posts bro !
SNOWBIRD- I enjoy your posts sis ! Look forward to your takes- you have really good takes and outlooks on things ! Peace.
NINJA- You are definitely the funniest Scottish guy I know ! Come to think of it- you are the only Scottish guy I know ! LOL! Hey, but we all love your humor, bro! Keep it comin' in 2008 ! Peace.
TOO BAD, TOO SAD- Great thoughts guy ! What a great goal to have - to help others break free from the WTS ! Me too- it's my goal also. I enjoy your posts ! Very good. Keep them comin'.
TIKA- I hope also that your husband comes to realize that the witnesses are a " mind control cult ". Please feel free to keep posting here yourself to get encouragement on how to deal with things though ! We enjoy your takes- you have a lot of valuable insight you can give with what you too, are going through. Peace.
DISMEMBERED- I too want to see the Watchtower printing Co. tank. We will always be here for you too- Dismembered !
STILLAEXJWELDER- I enjoy your takes on things. You still being on the inside- can be a great asset on this board as you say- not just on fluff, but on a lot of serious topics too ! I certainly encourage you to use your tools to help us all. Love your posts ! Peace.
TRUTHSETSONEFREE- You are a great asset to the board. Isaac- with your experience you could help a lot ! We need more posters like you who have seen the inner workings of the org. I hope you are able to keep your daughter from going back to the cult also ! Good work bro! Look forward to your posts !
WORLD TRAVELLER- I hope you and your wife can get your finances in order too ! I was married 19 years to someone who ran up $20,000 in credit card debt- damned near broke me ! Divorced in 1998. So I hope you get it paid off or sorted out in the least stressful way possible ! Good luck on that ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
Stilla, you're alright!
Flipper, I'm serious. But 25's better than 5 or nada.
rolling rock
I'm going to try to post a bit more, and try to be more helpfull to new ones.
Bad Chad. -
MINIMUS- Hey, I'll take 25 posts from you any time bro ! You always give it your all and I love your posts , threads , and takes on things- so keep em' coming . I do understand that we all have lifes to do though. Some days I post more than others because of my busy work schedule too
ROLLING ROCK- You have really good takes on things Rolling Rock. I look forward to your posts ! Keep em' comin' ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
Thanks, Flipper.
I wish someone else felt like you here.
MINIMUS- I feel you are a very respectful and diplomatic poster and I always have admired your ability to stay out of the " frays" or hassles with others on the board here. If anybody has a problem with you- then they are the one who has problems, in my humble opinion . I've see lots of posters who have been hella aggressive before. Not you though.
Of course if I'm on the wrong guessing track here- and you are trying to attract a certain female poster. If that's the case, I will shut my pie hole now.None of my business. LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
Minimus, you aren't the only one on posting restrictions.
Although, I can think of a few that should be who aren't.
I think my goal will be not to be.