I used to leave tracks all the time.
But I always tip'd a real tip with it.
Mostly it's a convenient way to "witness" while you eat.
by tnangel73 32 Replies latest jw friends
I used to leave tracks all the time.
But I always tip'd a real tip with it.
Mostly it's a convenient way to "witness" while you eat.
JW's want to read a Bible every once in a while-preferably not a NWT!
(New International Version)
Proverbs 11:25
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
2 Corinthians 9:6
[ Sowing Generously ] Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
1 Timothy 6:18
Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
C'mon, it's the Lord's work. (The tracts are free after all.) What greater gift than a chance at everlasting guilt. W.Once
OK these should do it, no mention of WT tracts here!
Proverbs 22:9
A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.
Psalm 37:21
The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously
Romans 12:8
if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously
mentalclearness: Did you even read what you said? You disproved the "point" you were trying to make...."bunch of witnesses" is NOT going to change the
earned reputation...just like your examples....
That happened at a diner that the witlesses used to eat frequently at for lunch when I was just starting. The witlesses would mob in at lunchtime or just after the Circus Meeting (they would arrive at 9:50 PM when the store closed at 10). They would expect to ramrod themselves through so they could get back to the group at 1, and they would expect cheerful service just before closing. Then, they left crap tips (or sometimes none).
Later, of course they are going to get disgruntled with the witlesses. Then the witlesses would start complaining that they are starting to reap what they have been sowing. I think they just got tired of being called on to alter reality (you don't just come in at 12:15 or so and expect to be in and out, and back to the group, at 1). And the staff wanted to get out of the place at a decent hour, not have the witlesses come in and slam the place until 45 minutes after they are closed. Especially if they are going to get crap tips or none at all (or even worse, littera-trash). I know, because I used to work at [name of eatery omitted], and they got pxxxed when a busful of people show up ten minutes before closing time.
"Rule #1: Do nothing that reflects unfavorably on Jehovah's people;
Rule #2: When in doubt, leave a tip and some literature, thus doubly satisfying Rule #1."
It is interesting that the Bible talks about "Freedom In Christ" and not to live by rules (which is futile) but by the Spirit.
JWs are sunk as they don't have The Spirit to live by or understand Him at all.
Way to go, Kensai - that was absolutely perfect!
I used to own and run a restaurant - you'd be amazed at the ones who were generous(usually the ones who didn't really have extra to give but felt obliged to do the right thing) and the stingy ones(they had the money but withheld it for their own selfish and imagined reasons). Waitresses get wise to it and believe me, the tippers who show they appreciate good service get even better service because the waitresses know they're appreciated! Tit for tat in most cases. There were times with difficult(the most difficult and demanding customers were always the worst or non-tippers - go figure...) ones when I'd tell them - it's OK, I'll wait on them, so of course the customer was NOT obliged to tip the owner of the establishment, who obviously had enough money to buy a restaurant! What a nightmare that place was - never again will I be in food service, even though I know it inside and out - or maybe because I know it - it's one of the most difficult, all-consuming jobs I ever had.
Lol - people! Ya can't live with 'em and ya can't just shoot 'em...
Tight-a$$! Could have at least left something of value!
That rotten JW got to avoid giving a real tip
well we don't know that they didn't leave a monetary tip..thats just jumping to conclusions.
or maybe the service was just plain lousy.