It seems that this is the catch all question that elders like to use to prove apostasy or just to get rid of you. I was thinking that this is a possible way to answer the ? and turn the tables on them. Of course in keeping with what Jesus would do, turn the ? on them and ask if they do? When they say yes ask Why?
Ask if they can provide, from the society in writing on watchtower letter head, confirmation that they are gods chosen organization. Should be a simple request, but as we all know the societies official stance is that they are not led by holy spirit any more than another religion.
Of course I realize that this will not work because, well they are a cult. But it would be interesting to see the elders trying to call bethel and get written confirmation that the BORG is led by holy spirit.
Answer to the ? Do you believe this is Gods Organization?
by darth frosty 12 Replies latest jw friends
darth frosty
Well, you could ask them whether God had ever abandoned his earthly organization before when they proved unfaithful. Then ask, are you sure you would see the signs if that were happening?
Ask any witness where it states that in the bible. When you get the deer in the headlights look, show him or her at least a dozen or more verses about how to get saved by following Jesus.
These are some others who also claim to be gods organization. Seems theres very little to choose from.... however, some are more deserving of the watchword AWAKE...much more lively.
You won't believe this video. Benny Hinn's wife recommends a Holy Ghost enema. You gotta see this to believe it!
If God wanted an organisation to know His will there would be no mammby pambying about! One does not exist apart from that which is in each person. To love others as you would have them love you. It is with each of us to keep trying to maintain thatideal toward every other human being no matter what their predicament.
If God wanted an organisation here today on Earth - everyone would see the quickest touchdown in history - no question. For reasons known only to Him, if God is there, He is letting life take its own course and leaving it up to each human to live out their lives in ways they are able under their particular circumstances. It is not justice or equality! It is simply life in chaos amongst changing routines. All you can do is preserve and enhance what you have against the chaos that visits some more than others. This is Gods Organisation - the world before us!
Must obey!
Nah, the best way to deflect this question is to answer: "I believe what Jesus said, that he has faithful and discreet slaves providing food at the proper time. I believe the organisation does provide much good spiritual food." And leave it at that. That will do it.
Understanding the purpose of the question, as highlighted in the initial post here, to determine whether or not they can make an accusation of apostasy stick, I answered, "I don't know if I'm in a position to make that judgment." In my case, it deflected the conversation onto other matters. Of course, if they try follow-up questions, you just continue repeating the above statement like a mantra.
Why answer the question? I would just say that the question is insulting and shut the door. I would never invite elders in, especially those that just "dropped by" without making an appointment ahead of time. Of course, I'm a very busy person and would not be able to find the time anyway. Unless you have done something witnessed by 2 jws that could get you df'd or you feel a need to have your say before you are df'd or considered da'd, why bother. It's just pearls before swine.
Elder: Do you believe this is God's organization?
Me: Do you have sex outside your marriage?
Elder: Looks very upset and says something like "What a rude question".
Me: Oh you're insulted by that question? Well, that's how I feel about your question!
In COC- Ray Franz had a great answer to this question. Others on the GB said that his answer kept him from getting df'd (at that time). He said something like- This organization is God's organization to the extent that it does God's will.