Bedbugs at Bethel?

by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Brooklyn and NYC are experiencing a bedbug epidemic. Anybody hear from anybody at Bethel? Wouldn't it be loverly?!

  • WTWizard

    They have been having a major bedbug problem ever since its inception. The bedbugs are the members of the Governing Body. Ted Jaracz is currently the most prominent of those bedbugs.

  • MissingLink

    From what I hear loads of bethelites DREAM of Buggery. Or is that something different.

  • MissingLink

    From what I hear loads of bethelites DREAM of Buggery. Or is that something different.

  • lawrence

    Keeping the lights on, helps one avoid bedbug attacks. And thus ... new light, brighter light, always light! Light keeps the bugs at bay. That's about all the light from Bethel can do, minimize the bites. What a racket religion - full of small and large pests!

  • Elsewhere

    The bedbugs are being caused by unsanitary foreigners who are staying at the hotels.

    They fly in infested with the bedbugs and then leave the bedbugs in the hotel bed after they leave.

  • GermanXJW

    Elsewhere, you mean there are no unsanitary Americans?

  • lawrence

    Pigs live everywhere.

  • RubaDub

    The bedbugs are being caused by unsanitary foreigners who are staying at the hotels.

    Elsewhere is correct ...

    Some of the hardest hit areas in New York City have been the upscale hotels that get a lot of foreign visitors.

    It's not just "foreigners" per se ... there have always been people coming from other countries and regions, especially Europe.

    However, with more wealth in many "third world" countries, many more are visiting here that otherwise would not have years ago.

    Conversely, Bethel maintains a rather stable workforce and cleanliness is high. Even it there was a rare outbreak at Bethel, it could be taken care of quickly.

    Rub a Dub

  • hillbilly

    Ever had a team of French business people into your place for a few days of meetings...........


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